The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be Prohibited


Mike Vandeman

The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People -- Why
Off-Road Bicycling Should be Prohibited Michael J. Vandeman,
Ph.D. May 31, 1997

Mountain biking is a relatively new sport. According to
a mountain biking (MTB) web page (http://www.mtb-, "The commercial Mountain Bike evolution
didn't start until 1974 and its first production bikes
didn't appear in stores until about 10 years later".
(Lower gearing, fat, knobby tires, sturdier
construction, but particularly the sealed bearing --
which could be ridden in dirt without getting destroyed
-- are what made "mountain" (off- road) bicycling
possible.) Partly for this reason, and partly because
the MTB is, from one point of view, just a special case
of an ORV (off-road vehicle), environmentalists and
scientists have been slow to study and recognize the
special threat that the mountain bike represents to
wildlife. Although there are many studies of ORVs, I am
not aware of any solid scientific studies specifically
on MTBs and their effects on wildlife.

To most environmentalists, bicycles have always been
the epitome of good. We are so used to comparing bikes
to cars, that it never occurred to us that the bicycle
would be ever used for anything bad. Indeed, replacing
motor vehicles with bicycles deserves our adoration.
But anything can be used for good or evil, and using
bikes to expand human domination of wildlife habitat is
clearly harmful.

Human beings think they own every square inch of the
Earth, and that they therefore have the right to do
what they want with
it. This is, of course, absurd. It is also the reason that
we are losing species at an unforgivable rate: we have
crowded wildlife out of its habitat. Even in our
parks, where we have vowed to protect wildlife, it is
not protected from hikers, equestrians, park
"managers", firefighters, mountain bikers, airplanes,
helicopters, cars, roads, concessionaires, or
biologists. Thus, the primary reason that mountain
bikes are harmful to wildlife is that they, like other
technological aids (cars, skis, rafts, rock- climbing
equipment, etc.), make it much easier for people to
get into wildlife habitat.

(Sadly, most people have forgotten that the only thing
makes parks worth visiting is the wildlife that live
there: it is

precisely the wildlife (and paucity of humans) that
make a park a
park. Without wildlife (i.e., all nonhuman,
nondomesticated species
-- plants as well as animals), the parks would be boring
piles of bare rock.)


First and most obvious, mountain bikes kill organisms
that live on and under the soil: "When it comes to pure
recreational destructiveness, ... off-road vehicles
(ORVs) far surpass powerboats. ... It is a rare
environment indeed where a vehicle can be taken off-
road without damage. ... Standard ORVs with their
knobby tires are almost ideal devices for smashing
plant life and destroying soil. Even driven with
extreme care, a dirt bike will degrade about an acre of
land in a twenty-mile drive. ... Not only do the ORVs
exterminate animals by exterminating plants, they
attack them directly as well. Individual animals on the
surface and in shallow burrows ... are crushed. ... One
great problem with ORVs
is that they supply easy access to wilderness areas for
unsupervised people who have ... no conception of the
damage they
are doing" (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, pp.169-171; emphasis
(Although mountain bikes were hardly known when this was
written, it is obvious that the same applies to them.)

Recently, one of the largest Alameda whipsnakes (a
California threatened species) ever found was killed by
a mountain biker in Black Diamond Mines Regional
Preserve near here. Others have been killed on other
East Bay regional parks. Kathryn Phillips in Tracking
the Vanishing Frogs described how ORVs crossing creeks
crush toads and their eggs (both buried in the sand). Bikes
are generally ridden too fast to avoid killing small
animals. Obviously, the animals didn't evolve in the
presence of mountain bikes, and can't be expected to deal
very effectively with such quiet, fast-moving objects. Even
hikers can kill small animals, if they aren't careful. The
one time I went to look for an Alameda whipsnake, I almost
stepped on one, which was lying in grass growing in the
trail, and didn't move until I had almost stepped on

Soils are extremely complex communities of living
organisms. They sometimes are very fragile and once
destroyed take decades to be recreated (e.g. desert
cryptogamic soil). Soil destruction is hastened by
acceleration (braking, speeding up, climbing, and
turning, which apply horizontal forces to the soil), by
tire lugs, which break the surface, and by water, which
softens the soil and makes it easier to demolish.

In the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA),
"park officials noted serious erosion problems on
certain steep narrow trails and determined that
restricting bicycle use would slow such erosion. [They]
noted that on narrow trails bicyclists passing other
users would either leave the trail or force the other
users off the trail to the detriment of off-trail
vegetation and wildlife. ... Downhill bicycle travel on
steep slopes is usually accompanied by braking and
often by skidding which tends to push dislodged surface
gravels into ditches, water bars, and drains. Heavy
bicycle use on steep trails usually requires that these
ditches, water bars, and drains be cleared more
frequently than those used by hikers and equestrians
only. ... Park staff and visitors reported that
bicyclists on these ... trails often skidded to control
their speed, slid off of trails on sharp turns, or cut
across off-trail areas at certain 'switch-backs'"
(Bicycle Trails Council of Marin v. Bruce Babbitt).

Mud containing seeds and spores sticks to bike tires,
thereby often carrying species of plants into areas
where they had not existed (becoming "exotics"). This
is worsened by the fact that bicycles travel long
distances, and are often carried to distant locations
(sometimes even foreign countries) by motor vehicle. It
is well known that such exotic species can cause havoc
when introduced into new habitats.

Most of us were raised to believe that "non-
consumptive" recreation is harmless to wildlife. We are
taught to enjoy ourselves in nature, guilt-free, as
long as we don't directly harm wildlife. However,
recent research, and the huge scale of current
recreation activities, have discredited this idea.
"Traditionally, observing, feeding, and photographing
wildlife were considered to be 'nonconsumptive'
activities because removal of animals from their
natural habitats did not occur.... nonconsumptive
wildlife recreation was considered relatively benign in
terms of its effects on wildlife; today, however, there
is a growing recognition that wildlife-viewing
recreation can have serious negative impacts on
wildlife" (Knight & Gutzwiller, p.257).

In other words, the mere presence of people is
often harmful
to wildlife, and the more, the worse. "The notion that
has no environmental impacts is no longer tenable.
often degrade the land, water, and wildlife resources
that support

their activities by simplifying plant communities,
increasing animal mortality, displacing and disturbing
wildlife, and distributing refuse" (ibid, p.3) "Recreational
disturbance has traditionally been viewed as most
detrimental to wildlife during the breeding season.
Recently, it has become apparent that disturbance outside of
the animal's breeding season may have equally severe
effects" (p.73) "People have an impact on wildlife habitat
and all that depends on it, no matter what the activity"
(p.157); "Perhaps the major way that people have influenced
wildlife populations is through encroachment into
wildlife areas"
(p.158). "Outdoor recreation has been recognized as an
important factor that can reduce biosphere
sustainability.... Indeed, recreational activities,
including many that may seem innocuous, can alter
vertebrate behaviour, reproduction, distributions,
and habitats" (p.169).

Knight & Gutzwiller's book contains numerous specific
examples of how these negative effects are created. We
may not know what the organisms are thinking, but the
effect is that they die, are forced to expend extra
energy that may be in short supply, become more
susceptible to predation, or are forced to move to less
suitable habitat, losing access to preferred foods,
mates, nesting sites, etc. Since most of us live safely
in the midst of plenty, it is hard for us to understand
wildlife's predicament. We are flexible enough to
survive almost anywhere; they are not. Often they have
no other place to live. None of the existing "studies"
on mountain biking evaluate its effects on wildlife.
They are usually concerned only with visible effects on
the trail. In Tilden Regional Park, there are three
separate, heavily used mountain biking trails through
the middle of supposedly protected Alameda whipsnake
habitat areas!

"Displaced animals are forced out of familiar habitat
and must then survive and reproduce in areas where they
are not familiar with the locations of food, shelter,
and other vital resources.... Hammitt and Cole ...
ranked displacement as being more detrimental to
wildlife than harassment or recreation-induced habitat
changes.... Densities ... of 13 breeding bird species
were negatively associated with the intensity of
recreation activity by park visitors, primarily
pedestrians and cyclists" (ibid, pp.173-
4); "off-road vehicles can collapse burrows of desert
mammals and reptiles" (p.176).


Hikers, especially the elderly, have been abandoning
their favorite trails, due to bikers that scare them,
hit them, harass them, and destroy the serenity of the
parks. Parks are supposed to be a refuge from the crush
of humanity and the noise, danger, and artificiality of
urban areas. Why bring to our parks the very
things that most people go there to escape?! There is
nothing wrong with bicycling, in its proper setting (on a
road). It is a wonderfully healthful activity. But wildlife
is already in
danger due to loss of habitat (worldwide, one quarter of all
animals are threatend with extinction, according to the IUCN
(International Union for the Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources)). It can't afford to lose any more. And
people have very similar needs for being in nature. Our
elderly are like wildlife, in that they have nowhere else to
go for the experience of nature that they are accustomed to.

By definition, hiking trails are the minimum size
necessary for a person to hike (approx. 18 inches
wide), since they are supposed to have a minimal
impact on the environment. They aren't wide enough for
a bicyclist to safely pass a hiker or another
bicyclist. Mixing bikers and hikers is dangerous for
both. In fact,

mountain biking is also dangerous for lone riders, since
hiking trails don't follow a predictable pattern and have
very short sight distances (the distance that one can see
ahead on the trail). Emergency room doctors report that a
large percentage of mountain bikers incur serious accidents.

"The record includes hundreds of letters from park
users recounting stories of collisions or near misses
with speeding or reckless bicyclists on all kinds of
trails but particularly on steep and narrow trails.
Hikers and bird watchers repeatedly told how they have
been forced off of trails by speeding bicycles and how
they have had their peace and solitude on the trails
interrupted by bicycles that -- because they are quiet
and fast -- seemed to appear out of nowhere and be
immediately upon the hikers and other users.
Equestrians told how their horses have been startled by
speeding or oncoming bicycles and have become restless,
on several occasions even throwing and injuring
experienced riders. Though most users admitted that the
great majority of bicyclists were polite and safety-
conscious, letters from hikers, equestrians, bird
watchers, joggers, and other users also repeatedly
recounted incidents of rudeness, threats, and
altercations when they have complained to an offending
bicyclist about dangerous conduct. Park staff also
reported having received such complaints. ... NPS's
[National Park Service's] finding that user conflict
and visitor danger would be reduced by limiting bicycle
trail access in GGNRA was supported by ample evidence.
... Notwithstanding the responsible user, bicycles are
often perceived by other users as a disruptive
influence on park trails. Although most of the few
reported bicycle accidents in the park involve only
single individuals, letters and reports from hikers and
equestrians tell of many close calls and
confrontational and unsettling experiences". "No single-
track trails [in the Marin Headlands] were found
suitable for bicycle use" (Bicycle Trails Council v.
Bruce Babbitt).

Since bicycles require wider trails, parks now often
use bulldozers to create and maintain those trails,
vastly increasing their impacts. In Claremont Canyon
Regional Preserve in Oakland, California, a new trail
was created by means of a "small" (6 foot blade)
bulldozer. But it rolled off the trail and had to be
rescued by a much bigger bulldozer. The existence of
bicyclists on trails also forces park rangers to police
the trails using motor vehicles (cars or motorcycles),
since it is the only way they can hope to catch them!
This also increases negative impacts on wildlife.

Children learn mostly nonverbally (by watching adults
and other children). Mountain biking is bad role
modeling for them, since it teaches them that human
domination and destruction of wildlife habitat is
normal and acceptable.

Mountain bikers like to claim that excluding them from
trails constitutes "discrimination". They say that
other user groups (hikers and equestrians) receive
better treatment from land managers. There is no basis
for such a claim, since all users are subject to
exactly the same rules. For example, on a trail closed
to bikes, everyone is allowed on the trail -- only the
bikes are ________ _____ excluded! In spite of what
they claim, mountain bikers have never
been excluded from any trail! Even if my way of "enjoying"
the wilderness is to race my bulldozer there, I am not
allowed to do that. And this is not because land managers
like hikers more than bulldozer racers. I am not being
excluded from the wilderness; I can go there whenever I
want, as long as I don't try to bring my
bulldozer with me. It is only the bulldozer that is
excluded, which _________________ _____ is due to its
effects on wildlife and people.

If mountain bikers were actually being discriminated
against, they could sue park managers for access to
every trail that others are allowed on. On the
contrary, the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit (Bicycle Trails Council v. Bruce Babbitt)
concluded that the National Park Service has the right
to ban bikes from trails. "All units of the National
Parks [are] to be treated consistently, with resource
protection the primary goal". "All bicycle use of off-
road areas [is] prohibited unless local park
superintendents [designate] particular trails to be
open" (bicyclists were contesting this rule). "Routes
may only be designated for bicycle use based on a
written determination that such use is consistent with
the protection of the park area's natural, scenic and
aesthetic values, safety considerations and management
objectives and will not disturb wildlife or park
resources". "The Park Service is empowered with the
authority to determine what uses of park resources are
proper and what proportion of the park's resources are
available for each use". "The use of bicycles is allowed in
park areas under the same basic
conditions as are motor vehicles, i.e. on park roads,
in parking
areas, and on routes designated for their use. ... certain
limitations on their use are necessary and appropriate in
the interest of public safety, resource protection, and the
avoidance of visitor conflict" [emphasis added].

Clearly, bikes are not being banned from trails because
land managers like hikers and equestrians more! As
people, mountain bikers are indistinguishable from
other park users. It is the bikes

that we object to, and not even the bikes, but their
presence in
natural areas. Banning bikes is simply a humane way of
our natural areas, while allowing all users equal access
to enjoy them. Thus, whether bikers or hikers or
equestrians are more harmful to wildlife (they all are, of
course) is irrelevant. ___ __________ Restricting bicycle
access is a way of reducing human impacts on wildlife and
wildlife habitat.

The Case of Brown's Woods

Brown's Woods, one of the last stands of native forest
in central Iowa (southwest of DesMoines), illustrates
these issues. It was saved from logging and development
in 1972 by the S. E. Polk (High School) Ecology Club
and their sponsor, biology teacher, Kirk Brill, for
which they won a national award. Motorized vehicles
were banned, "because of the threat they posed to the
environment and to persons walking there" (Wayne Bills,
Polk County Conservation Board (PCCB) Executive
Director, 1972). The students worked hard to earn money
to build two miles of bike trails through the preserve.

However mountain bikers illegally built 4 1/2
additional miles of trail ("bikers have gouged more
than six miles of trail, up to 30 feet wide and a
foot or more deep in spots" (Loren Lown, PCCB Natural
Resources Specialist, 1996)). Wildlife were
disappearing, elderly hikers were driven out, and
vegetation was destroyed. "Already the bikers have
caused permanent irreparable damage to this pristine
area" (Ben Van Gundy, PCCB Director). It was called
"ecological vandalism". Last year, once again, Brill
and his students were forced to campaign to save the
preserve, this time from mountain bikers, and won,
getting a unanimous vote of the PCCB for a "total and
permanent ban on the use of mountain bikes" in
Brown's Woods.

Millions of mountain bikes are being sold every year
around the world. Let's not wait till "bikers have
caused permanent irreparable damage" to our other
natural areas! We can't eliminate all environmental
damage, but we can eliminate frivolous, ___ ___
unnecessary damage. True civilization is characterized
by restraint.

"It is expected that outdoor recreational activity will
continue to increase, while the amount of wild land
where wildlife may seek refuge from disturbance will
decrease" (Knight and Gutzwiller, p.327);
"Recreationists are, ironically, destroying the very
thing they love: the blooming buzzing confusion of
nature.... The recreation industry deserves to be
listed on the
same page with interests that are cutting the last of the
growth forests, washing fertile topsoils into the sea,
and pouring
billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere" (p.340;
emphasis added); "Tom Birch ... argues that wilderness
managers, charged with incarcerating wilderness, are more
concerned with the advancement of their careers through
achieving quantifiable goals (number of park visitors, total
revenues) and developing park and forest amenities (roads,
'scenic' turnouts, restrooms, paved trails, maps,
campgrounds) than with perpetuating the land community of
which they are a part" (p.344).

Ideally, we should be working to reduce all human
access to
wildlife habitat. But at the very least, we should eliminate
mechanical access (with the exception of small compromises
for __________ _____ wheelchairs).


Bicycle Trails Council of Marin v. Bruce Babbitt, No.C-93-
0009,slip op. (N. Dist. Cal., Sept. 1, 1994) (see also Third
Circuit Case 94- 16920,

Ehrlich, Paul and Anne, Extinction: The Causes and
Consequences of
the Disappearance of Species. c.1981.

Knight, Richard L. and Kevin J. Gutzwiller, eds.
Wildlife and
Recreationists. Covelo, California: Island Press, c.1995.

Phillips, Kathryn, Tracking the Vanishing Frogs: An
Mystery. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.

Stebbins, Robert, personal communication.

Vandeman, Michael J., Ph.D.

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits
to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the
previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road
Mikey -baby starts out with :

> Mountain biking is a relatively new sport.

and instantly no-one with any brains reads further.

As though they would anyway....
This "article" was first posted to eight newsgroups in June 1997, and
has been repeated unchanged since then (see headers below):

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Subject: The
> Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People Date:
> 1997/06/04 Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> Organization: World
> Without Cars Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: alt.mountain-bike,rec.bicycles.soc,
> road,sci.environment,ca.en
> vironment,rec.animals.wildlife,

> From: [email protected] Subject: The Effects of Mountain
> Biking on Wildlife and People Date: 1997/06/05 Message-ID:
> <8b085772&[email protected]> X-
> Gateway: [email protected] Newsgroups: dc.biking

March, 1998

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Subject: The
> Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People Date:
> 1998/03/22 Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: World Without
> Cars Newsgroups: rec.outdoors.camping

June, 1998

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Subject: The
> Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People Date:
> 1998/06/01 Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,sci.environment,ca.environment,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.-
> animals. wildlife,

August, 1999

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Subject: The
> Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People Date:
> 1999/08/27 Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> References: <[email protected]> X-Complaints-To:
> [email protected] X-Trace:
> 935761865 (Fri, 27 Aug 1999
> 06:51:05 PDT) Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 27 Aug
> 1999 06:51:05 PDT Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,

September, 1999

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Subject: The
> Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People -- Why
> Off-Road Bicycling Should be Prohibited Date: 1999/09/10
> Message-ID: <[email protected]> X-Complaints-
> To: [email protected] X-Trace:
> 936927824 (Thu, 09 Sep 1999
> 18:43:44 PDT) Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 09 Sep
> 1999 18:43:44 PDT Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environme-
> nt, logy

October, 2000

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Newsgroups:
> rec.bicycles.rides Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking
> on Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader: Forte
> Free Agent 1.11/32.235 Lines: 426 Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000
> 14:42:49 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-
> To: [email protected] X-Trace: 970411372
> (Sun, 01 Oct 2000 07:42:52 PDT) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 07:42:52 PDT

January, 2001

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment
> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and
> People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be Prohibited
> Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> References:
> <[email protected]>
> <[email protected]>
> <[email protected]>
> <[email protected]>
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader: Forte Free
> Agent 1.21/32.243 Lines: 432 Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001
> 01:12:43 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-
> To: [email protected] X-Trace: 979780358
> (Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:12:38 PST) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:12:38 PST

October, 2001

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People Organization: World Without Cars Reply-
> To: [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243 Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-Host:
> X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-Trace:
> 1002938600 ST000
> (Fri, 12 Oct 2001 22:03:20 EDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 12
> Oct 2001 22:03:20 EDT X-UserInfo1: FKPO@MC@@S@IBSP[ORHL_T-
> Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 02:03:20 GMT

April, 2002

> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment
> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and
> People Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243 Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-Host:
> X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-Trace:
> 1018744621 ST000
> (Sat, 13 Apr 2002 20:37:01 EDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13
> Apr 2002 20:37:01 EDT X-UserInfo1: [[PGWXODCJVOBT\YNCOF_W-
> Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 00:37:01 GMT

September, 2002

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
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> (Sat, 14 Sep 2002 14:28:56 EDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 14
> Sep 2002 14:28:56 EDT X-UserInfo1: O@ZGBUCE[BWYBFH[OZK@_T-
> Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:28:56 GMT

May, 2003

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec,bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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> X-Trace: 1052952731 ST000
> (Wed, 14 May 2003 18:52:11 EDT) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 18:52:11 EDT X-UserInfo1: Q[RGWXOD-
> 2003 22:52:11 GMT

July 2003

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Reply-To:
> [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-
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> Trace: 1058005539 ST000
> (Sat, 12 Jul 2003 06:25:39 EDT) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 06:25:39 EDT X-UserInfo1: [[PAPDON-
> 2003 10:25:39 GMT

November 2003

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People Organization: World Without Cars Reply-
> To: [email protected] Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-
> Host: X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-
> Trace: 1068478759 ST000
> (Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:39:19 EST) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:39:19 EST X-UserInfo1: FKPO@MON-
> 2003 15:39:19 GMT

March 2004

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-
> Host: X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-
> Trace: 1080016086 ST000
> (Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:28:06 EST) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:28:06 EST X-UserInfo1: SCSYQN_@-
> GSCKHA[]@CCB\[@LATPD\L@J\\PF]VR[QPJN Date: Tue, 23 Mar
> 2004 04:28:06 GMT

May 30, 2004

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-
> Host: X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
> X-Trace: 1085886214 ST000
> (Sat, 29 May 2004 23:03:34 EDT) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 23:03:34 EDT X-UserInfo1: Q[OIB[_G-
> GSCKHA[]@CCB\[@LATPD\L@J\\PF]VR[QPJN Date: Sun, 30 May
> 2004 03:03:34 GMT

June 23, 2004

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-
> Host: X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-
> Trace: 1088002423 ST000
> (Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:53:43 EDT) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:53:43 EDT X-UserInfo1: S[OIB[_G-
> 2004 14:53:43 GMT

Finally July 2, 2004

> From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
> bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.-
> environm ent Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
> Wildlife and People -- Why Off-Road Bicycling Should be
> Prohibited Organization: World Without Cars Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> X-Newsreader:
> Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American) MIME-
> Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 426 NNTP-Posting-
> Host: X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-
> Trace: 1088785326 ST000
> (Fri, 02 Jul 2004 12:22:06 EDT) NNTP-Posting-
> Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 12:22:06 EDT X-UserInfo1: SCSYASRD-
> 2004 16:22:06 GMT

Anyone notice a pattern here?

TD--advanced Google search makes this too easy.

[email protected] World Without Cars Dictionary of
Vandemisms (2001) is available at: ICQ# available
on request
In article <[email protected]>,
Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:

> Mountain biking is a relatively new sport. According to a
> mountain biking (MTB) web page (,
> "The commercial Mountain Bike evolution didn't start
> until 1974 and its first production bikes didn't appear
> in stores until about 10 years later".

I checked the URL. The quote isn't there. It's a web site
about "Moutnain [sic] Biking in the Santa Monica Mountains."

TD After seven years, you'd think they'd fix it

[email protected] World Without Cars Dictionary of
Vandemisms (2001) is available at: ICQ# available
on request
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 22:10:31 GMT, Trekkie Dad <[email protected]>

>This "article" was first posted to eight newsgroups in June
>1997, and has been repeated unchanged since then (see
>headers below):
Don't most other PhDs publish the same paper over and over
and over again?

Isn't one definition of insanity as being when someone
repeats the exact same thing over and over, but expects a
different result each time?

The guy hasn't had a single new thought on the topic in
_seven_ years?

And is it still accurate to call mountain biking "new"?

In 1997 he called it "new", having gone mass market in 1984.
Assuming that is accurate, that would mean it was 13 years
old as a mass activity at that point. Now it is 20 years
old. Is it still new?

I could list at least 6 other popular outdoor activities
much newer today than mountain biking was seven years ago.
Are any of them more harmful to the environment?

How many other statements in that article are
similarly dated?

Instead of QED, Mikey should use SBO.

Happy trails, Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence

Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA Please reply to:
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 22:10:31 GMT, Trekkie Dad <[email protected]> wrote:

.This "article" was first posted to eight newsgroups in June
1997, and .has been repeated unchanged since then (see
headers below):

Because it's still true! DUH!

.> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Subject: The
Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People .> Date:
1997/06/04 .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> Organization: World
Without Cars .> Reply-To: [email protected] .> Newsgroups:
.> alt.mountain-bike,rec.bicycles.soc,
road,sci.environment,ca.en .>
vironment,rec.animals.wildlife, . .> From:
[email protected] .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain
Biking on Wildlife and People .> Date: 1997/06/05 .> Message-
ID: <8b085772&[email protected]> .>
X-Gateway: [email protected] .> Newsgroups: dc.biking .
.March, 1998 . .> From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman)
.> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and
People .> Date: 1998/03/22 .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Organization: World Without Cars .>
Newsgroups: rec.outdoors.camping .> . .June, 1998 . .> From:
[email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Subject: The Effects
of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People .> Date:
1998/06/01 .> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
.> Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
imals. .> wildlife, .> . .August, 1999 . .>
From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Subject: The
Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People .> Date:
1999/08/27 .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> References:
<[email protected]> .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
935761865 (Fri, 27 Aug 1999 .> 06:51:05 PDT) .>
Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999
06:51:05 PDT .> Newsgroups: alt.mountain-
bike, .> . .September, 1999 . .>
From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Subject: The
Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People -- Why .>
Off-Road Bicycling Should be Prohibited .> Date: 1999/09/10
.> Message-ID: <[email protected]> .> X-Complaints-
To: [email protected] .> X-Trace:
936927824 (Thu, 09 Sep 1999 .> 18:43:44 PDT)
.> Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999
18:43:44 PDT .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,sci.b- .> logy .> . .October, 2000 . .> From:
[email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Newsgroups:
rec.bicycles.rides .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain
Biking on Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling
Should be Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .>
Reply-To: [email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-Newsreader: Forte
Free Agent 1.11/32.235 .> Lines: 426 .> Date: Sun, 01 Oct
2000 14:42:49 GMT .> NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-
To: [email protected] .> X-Trace: 970411372 (Sun, 01 Oct 2000 07:42:52 .> PDT) .> NNTP-Posting-
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 07:42:52 PDT . .January, 2001 . .>
From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Newsgroups: .>
bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment .>
Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and
People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be Prohibited .>
Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> References:
<[email protected]> .>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]> .>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]> .> X-Newsreader: Forte
Free Agent 1.21/32.243 .> Lines: 432 .> Date: Thu, 18 Jan
2001 01:12:43 GMT .> NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-
To: [email protected] .> X-Trace: 979780358 (Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:12:38 .> PST) .> NNTP-Posting-
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:12:38 PST .> . .October, 2001 . .>
From: [email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Newsgroups: .>
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People .> Organization: World Without Cars .>
Reply-To: [email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-Newsreader:
Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243 .> Lines: 426 .> NNTP-Posting-
Host: .> X-Complaints-To: [email protected] .>
X-Trace: 1002938600 ST000 (Fri, 12 .> Oct 2001 22:03:20 EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 22:03:20 EDT .> X-UserInfo1: .> FKPO-
2001 02:03:20 GMT . .April, 2002 . .> From:
[email protected] (Mike Vandeman) .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment .>
Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and
People .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-Newsreader:
Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243 .> Lines: 426 .> NNTP-Posting-
Host: .> X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
.> X-Trace: 1018744621 ST000 (Sat, 13 .> Apr 2002 20:37:01 EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 20:37:01 EDT .> X-UserInfo1: .> [[PG-
2002 00:37:01 GMT . .September, 2002 . .> From: Mike
Vandeman <[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.92/32.572 trialware .> MIME-
Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
.> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .> NNTP-Posting-
Host: .> X-Complaints-To: [email protected] .>
X-Trace: 1032028136 ST000 (Sat, 14 .> Sep 2002 14:28:56 EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 14:28:56 EDT .> X-UserInfo1: .> O@ZG-
GSCKHA[]@CCB\[@LATPD\L@J\\PF]VR[QPJN .> Date: Sat, 14 Sep
2002 18:28:56 GMT . .May, 2003 . .> From: Mike Vandeman
<[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1052952731 ST000 (Wed, 14 .> May 2003
18:52:11 EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 May 2003
18:52:11 EDT .> X-UserInfo1: .> Q[RGWXODCJVOBT\YNCOF_W\@PJ_-
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 22:52:11 GMT . .July 2003 . .> From:
Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Reply-To:
[email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1058005539 ST000 (Sat, 12 .> Jul 2003 06:25:39
EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 06:25:39 EDT .>
2003 10:25:39 GMT . .November 2003 . .> From: Mike Vandeman
<[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People .> Organization: World Without Cars .>
Reply-To: [email protected] .> Message-ID:
<[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1068478759 ST000 (Mon, 10 .> Nov 2003 10:39:19
EST) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:39:19 EST .>
2003 15:39:19 GMT . .March 2004 . .> From: Mike Vandeman
<[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Message-
ID: <[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1080016086 ST000 (Mon, 22 .> Mar 2004 23:28:06
EST) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:28:06 EST .>
.> GSCKHA[]@CCB\[@LATPD\L@J\\PF]VR[QPJN .> Date: Tue, 23 Mar
2004 04:28:06 GMT . .May 30, 2004 . .> From: Mike Vandeman
<[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Message-
ID: <[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1085886214 ST000 (Sat, 29 .> May 2004
23:03:34 EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 29 May 2004
23:03:34 EDT .> X-UserInfo1: .> Q[OIB[_GTRU[RTH]^JKBOW@@YJ_-
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 03:03:34 GMT . .June 23, 2004 . .>
From: Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .>
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Message-
ID: <[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1088002423 ST000 (Wed, 23 .> Jun 2004 10:53:43
EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:53:43 EDT .>
2004 14:53:43 GMT . .Finally July 2, 2004 . .> From: Mike
Vandeman <[email protected]> .> Newsgroups: .> alt.mountain-
vironm .> ent .> Subject: The Effects of Mountain Biking on
Wildlife and People -- Why .> Off-Road Bicycling Should be
Prohibited .> Organization: World Without Cars .> Message-
ID: <[email protected]> .> X-
Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
.> MIME-Version: 1.0 .> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-
ascii .> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .> Lines: 426 .>
NNTP-Posting-Host: .> X-Complaints-To:
[email protected] .> X-Trace:
1088785326 ST000 (Fri, 02 .> Jul 2004 12:22:06
EDT) .> NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 12:22:06 EDT .>
.> WSWKGAY_PC[BQ[BXAS\F\\@DMTLFZFUE@\VL .> Date: Fri, 02 Jul
2004 16:22:06 GMT . . .Anyone notice a pattern here?

Your point being? This is just like a FAQ. It needs to be
posted regularly, to inform newbies and remind others.

.TD--advanced Google search makes this too easy.

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits
to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the
previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 23:04:44 GMT, Gary S. <Idontwantspam@net> wrote:

.On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 22:10:31 GMT, Trekkie Dad
<[email protected]> .wrote: . .>This "article" was first
posted to eight newsgroups in June 1997, and .>has been
repeated unchanged since then (see headers below): .> .Don't
most other PhDs publish the same paper over and over and
over .again? . .Isn't one definition of insanity as being
when someone repeats the .exact same thing over and over,
but expects a different result each .time? . .The guy hasn't
had a single new thought on the topic in _seven_ years?

When you're right, what's there to change? Can you name even
ONE statement that's wrong????

.And is it still accurate to call mountain biking "new"? .
.In 1997 he called it "new", having gone mass market in
1984. Assuming .that is accurate, that would mean it was 13
years old as a mass .activity at that point. Now it is 20
years old. Is it still new?

Of course, compared to most other sports. Maybe
snowboarding is newer?

.I could list at least 6 other popular outdoor activities
much newer .today than mountain biking was seven years ago.

You "could". But you DON'T! Why are you wasting our time?

Are any of them more .harmful to the environment? . .How
many other statements in that article are similarly dated?
. .Instead of QED, Mikey should use SBO. . .Happy trails,
.Gary (net.yogi.bear) .------------------------------------------------
.at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence . .Gary D.
Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA .Please reply to:

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits
to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the
previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road