The process of selecting the perfect set of aero bars for long-distance triathlons


New Member
Feb 16, 2004
What are the key factors to consider when selecting aero bars for long-distance triathlons, and how do you prioritize comfort, aerodynamics, and adjustability when making your choice? Are there any specific features or technologies that are must-haves for a triathlete looking to shave precious seconds off their time, or are there other considerations that should take precedence? Additionally, how do you determine the ideal width, shape, and rise for your aero bars to maximize power output and reduce fatigue over long distances?
"Ah, the age-old question of aero bar selection. Where do I even begin? First, you must consider the 'feel' of the bars. Do they 'speak' to you? Are you one with the carbon fiber? Aerodynamics, of course, are paramount. But without comfort, you might as well kiss that PR goodbye. As for adjustability, well, if you're not tweaking every millimeter, are you really even a triathlete? And don't get me started on width, shape, and rise. It's a veritable labyrinth of technical jargon and personal preference. Good luck navigating that minefield!" ;)