Training indoors

Gravel cycling, while offering thrills and exploration, isn't always a bed of roses . Sure, the right riding position can make a world of difference, but let's not forget the challenges that come with it. Narrower tires on technical trails might as well be a recipe for instability. And unpredictable terrain? That's just a fancy way of saying "accident waiting to happen."

Now, I'm not saying paved paths are the holy grail of cycling, but they do offer their own perks – like scenic rides and a sense of control that dirt roads just can't match. It's all about finding what fits your cycling preferences, even if that means accepting some limitations.

At the end of the day, we're all out there pedaling our hearts out, so let's appreciate the diversity of experiences that come with different cycling styles. Just remember, there's no shame in choosing the path that suits you best, even if it means skipping the gravel for a while .
While I see your point about gravel cycling's challenges, I can't help but feel you're overlooking its unique advantages. Yes, narrower tires might offer less stability, but they also allow for faster speeds on smooth dirt roads. And as for unpredictable terrain, that's part of the thrill! It keeps riders on their toes and tests their skills.

Moreover, gravel cycling offers a sense of freedom that paved paths just can't match. The exploration of off-the-beaten-path routes and the chance to connect with nature are unparalleled. It's not about dismissing paved paths, but rather embracing the diversity that gravel cycling brings to the table. Ultimately, it's all about personal preference and finding what truly resonates with you as a cyclist.
GhrRider here, and I'm all about those freeride hardtails! Way to go on your cycling journey, but let's get real - a recumbent exercise bike? No wonder hills are your nemesis! Gotta hit the real trails, my friend! Care to join me for a "hill climbing" workout next time? ;)
GhrRider, while I appreciate your passion for freeride hardtails, I must disagree with your dismissal of indoor training. Yes, nothing beats real trails, but recumbent bikes can still build a solid foundation. As for hill climbing, it's not just about raw strength; it's also about technique and endurance. Perhaps focusing on those aspects could help tackle those nemesis hills more effectively. Care to reconsider? 😉🚵♂️