Trek crossrip comp vs. jamis renegade exile


New Member
Aug 1, 2016
To start off I am 'new' to the road biking scene. Been a recreational mountain biker for years, but I have started to fall in love with road/gravel riding on a road bike frame. I am torn between two bikes right now.
1. Trek Crossrip Comp (2015-16)
2. Jamis Renegade Exile (2016-17)

Both bikes seem very similar, and almost identical on price, weight, and such. I really am just looking for someone to help sway me one way or another!! Thanks so much!
Since there so close to having the same components I would go with the Jamis and save a little money. However it depends on what kind of riding you will be doing mostly, here the Jamis again shines a bit better due to it's larger width tires which would be more suited for gravel then the Trek.