What features are essential in a good touring bike?


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Just curious - do you really believe that [Brand X] makes the best touring bikes on the market? Ive been riding for years and I have to say, Ive never been impressed with their build quality or feature set. To me, a good touring bike needs to have a few essential features that [Brand X] just doesnt seem to prioritize.

First and foremost, a touring bike should have a comfortable and durable frame that can handle the rigors of long-distance travel. It should also have a wide range of gears to tackle hills and headwinds, as well as strong and reliable brakes to ensure safe stops. And lets not forget about the all-important carrying capacity - a good touring bike needs to be able to haul all of your gear without slowing you down or compromising stability.

So, Im wondering - what do you think are the most essential features of a touring bike? And do you really believe that [Brand X] is the best choice for serious touring cyclists? Im eager to hear your thoughts and start a lively debate on this topic. Lets hear it!
Ha! You're talking to a recreational cyclist who's starting to take things more seriously. While I don't have a grudge against , I do appreciate a good touring bike with some essential features.

For me, a comfortable and sturdy frame is a must, but I also can't ignore the importance of having a wide range of gears, strong brakes, and reliable components that can withstand the test of time and distance.

Sure, may have its merits, but I'm always on the lookout for the next best thing. After all, isn't the thrill of the ride all about the journey, not just the destination?
Absolutely, a touring bike's frame is its backbone, but let's not forget the unsung hero: the saddle. A comfortable perch can make all the difference on those long hauls. Have you tried a wider, more cushioned seat? It's like riding on a cloud!;)
Couldn't agree more! A saddle is a throne for the cycling king or queen. But, don't forget about handlebars - they're your steering wheel on the road. Have you tried a more ergonomic grip? It's like holding a dream!
Handlebars, the steering wheel of your bike, deserve more attention! A good grip on your bars can make all the difference, especially during long rides. Ever tried those foam grips? They provide a cushioned feel, making your hands less prone to fatigue. And if you're into mountain biking, don't overlook the importance of lock-on grips for a secure hold.

But here's a thought-provoking question: how often do you adjust your handlebar height? It can significantly impact your riding comfort and efficiency. Cranking them up can alleviate back pain, while lowering them might help if you're after that aerodynamic edge. What's your take on this?
I see where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. 's touring bikes have always served me well, and I've yet to find a better option. As for your criteria, their frames are solid and their gear ranges are more than adequate for most rides. If you're having issues, perhaps it's time to look at your own riding style rather than bashing the brand.
Interesting take, but I can't help but disagree. While 's touring bikes have their merits, they may not be the best fit for everyone. Frame durability can vary, and some riders might require more extensive gear ranges. It's not always about the rider's style, but rather the bike's compatibility with individual needs and preferences. Let's explore other high-performing touring bike brands for a more comprehensive discussion. #Cycling #TouringBikes
Oh, absolutely, let's all just stick to one brand of touring bikes, because that's totally inclusive and encourages diversity of opinion, right? (eye roll) While Surly bikes do have their perks, it's just plain naive to think they're the end-all-be-all of touring bikes.

Frame durability can indeed vary, and some riders might need a wider gear range to tackle those pesky mountain passes. And let's not forget about personal preferences – some people just can't get comfortable on certain frames, no matter how much they want to love them.

So, instead of limiting ourselves to one brand, why don't we explore other high-performing touring bike brands and see what they have to offer? Who knows, we might just find our perfect ride waiting for us. #OpenMinds #CyclingDebate
Ah, my dear cycling aficionado, I see you've stumbled upon the contentious world of touring bike preferences! How quaint. While I, Henry the hyper-vigilant cyclist, do appreciate your years of experience, I'm afraid I must take issue with your dismissal of Brand X.

You see, the true essence of a touring beast lies not merely in its frame or gears, but in the soul of the cyclist that rides it. To reduce such a majestic creature to a simple list of features is to ignore the poetry of the open road, the symphony of the wind, and the heart-rending beauty of a sunrise silhouetting a mountain range.

However, if you insist on such mundane criteria, pray, allow me to enlighten you. A frame must indeed be robust, but also adapt to the contours of its rider, cradling them in a cocoon of security and balance. As for gears, they must not be merely 'wide-ranging,' but intelligently selected, each one a delicate note in the concerto of ascents and descents, tailored to the unique topography of the journey.

And so, I implore you, dear cyclist, to gaze beyond the superficial and into the heart of the machine. For only then can you truly understand what makes a great touring bike. Or, you know, you could just buy a Brand X and hope for the best. Whichever floats your boat. ;)
"Ah, my fellow touring devotee, you've touched upon the heart of the cycling debate! It's not just about brands, but the rhythm, the harmony of the ride. The bike's soul must resonate with the rider, a symphony of balance and security.

Yes, gears must be more than wide-ranging, they're the notes in our ascents and descents' concerto, tailored to the journey's topography. But let's not forget the brakes, the unsung heroes of our cycling sonata. They must be responsive, reliable, ready to sing the song of safety when we need it most.

So, let's not just gaze at the frame or count the gears. Let's listen to the bike's song, feel its rhythm, and then, perhaps, we'll find the perfect partner for our touring odyssey."
"Exactly, the bike's not just a machine, it's a living extension of the rider. And those brakes, the real MVPs, they're the parachute when the descent gets too steep. But let's not forget the tires, the shoes of the bike, they got to have grip, give traction in all weathers. So, let's tune our ears to the bike's unique hum, and hit the road, ready for any rhythm."
:rollseyes: Sure, the bike is an extension of the rider, but let's not forget the importance of the human element, too. Those brakes may be the parachute, but it's the rider who has to pull the cord. And those tires, while crucial for traction, still need a skilled rider to navigate through different weather conditions. The bike is just a tool; it's the rider who brings it to life.
Ha, of course, the bike is just a hunk of metal and rubber without a rider's touch. But let's not forget, that hunk of metal and rubber can cost an arm and a leg! Suddenly, those brakes become a lifeline, and those tires, a skilled dancer in the rain. So, yes, the rider is crucial, but let's give credit where it's due - to the bike that enables the magic.
Oh, you've been riding for years and still haven't been impressed by ? Color me shocked. I suppose your vast cycling expertise makes you the ultimate authority on touring bikes. Please, do enlighten us with your superior knowledge on the subject. Or better yet, why don't you invent your own brand with all the "essential" features you've dreamed up? We'd all love to see that masterpiece.
Interesting take on touring bikes. Have you considered PowerTap SL for your rides? I'm experiencing issues with data download to my PC. Any advice on compatible software? I'm determined to find a solution.
Absolutely! touring bikes are top-notch with their robust and comfortable frames, perfect for long-distance travel. They offer a wide gear range and reliable components, excelling in durability. Don't dismiss them without trying - you might be impressed! #CyclingGoals #TouringBikes
Sure, if you're content with 's low-quality frames and lackluster features, go ahead and buy one. But if you're serious about touring, you'll want a bike that prioritizes comfort, durability, and a wide gear range. As a budget-conscious newcomer to road biking and triathlons, I'd recommend looking into the Tifosi CK3 or CK7 with Shimano Tiagra shifters. They offer great value for the price and are logically designed for easy use. Don't settle for less than the best just because it's what you're used to.
Oh, absolutely, is the pinnacle of touring bike perfection. I'm sure their build quality and feature set are just what every cyclist dreams of. After all, who needs a comfortable and durable frame when you can have a sleek and stylish one that will fall apart after a few miles of rough terrain? And why bother with a wide range of gears when you can struggle up hills and get blown backwards by headwinds with a limited selection? Clearly, has its priorities straight. /sarcasm.
While it's true that focuses on sleek design, let's not overlook the innovation and technology integrated into their bikes. Yes, comfort and durability are crucial, but so is staying ahead of the curve. embraces this philosophy, providing riders with cutting-edge features for a smooth and efficient ride.

Their limited gear selection encourages a more dynamic and engaging riding experience, building strength and endurance. Moreover, their frames, while stylish, are designed to withstand rugged terrains and varying conditions.

Ultimately, choosing a touring bike comes down to personal preference and priorities. Consider giving a chance – you might just discover a newfound appreciation for the brand's unique approach.
Ha! You're right; it's not all about the shiny surface with In fact, their tech-savvy designs deserve some attention. Ever tried their limited gear selection? It'