your nutrition supplyment,what do u got


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
i know alot of us on here have a good amount of nutrition supplies on our shelves for future rides. just wondering what everyone uses and why?

befor rides i take access gel or the gu gels,when riding i like power bars,smoothie bars,harvest energy peanut butter chocolate chip,,triple treat energy and cranberry oatmil cookie,and clif shots are always good for rides,

as far as endurance i love cytomax, it goes down smooth and works well,zym aint bad either.and for recovery i use powerbar recovery,works great and does what its supose to.

what does everyone use or like n why.
Before rides I usually make a fruit smoothie of banana, kiwi fruit & OJ and have that with breakfast. During rides I drink High 5 2:1 or Zipvit ZV1 (my new favourite - a bit salty but not sickly like some sweeter drinks) and eat clif bars or homemade flapjacks (you can add anything to these so they are great custom made food although probably too sugary) for long rides and gels in competition. Afterwards Zipvit ZV3 Rapide - it's a bit gloopy but does the job well.

Any budding nutritionists out there like to comment?
Hi dear, If you wanna a stronger and well shaped body, use supplements and nutrition. There are alot of creatine and supplements which help you to become stronger, kindly visit to get best nutrtion and health supplements.
In my case, multivitamins and MX Calcium Complex. Like what i told in one thread, the multivitamins for the benefits from stress relief and immune support to anti-aging and disease prevention while the calcium supplement for bone health and prevention against osteoporosis. Even up to know, that I'm not so active biker/cyclist, I'm still taking this for better, long life. :)
I've been experimenting with some different things lately trying to get the right level of performance. I used to ride 65-75 miles twice a week alone, now I'm riding one 45 mile intense group ride on saturdays (pretty much a crit with this group made up of all Cat 1-5 racers) and training for 25 miles 5 other days of the week. Typically I take Monday off.

Here's what I've been using for supplements - any advice would be appreciated and strongly considered as I am still in the discovery process of optimizing my performance on Saturdays:

Pre-ride - Muscle Milk Protein bar + coffee OR Greek yogurt + granola and a banana (I am considering also not eating at all before the rides and carbo load the night before instead)

During - Honey Stingers (I use a mix of caffeinated and non-caffeinated depending on how much caffeine I ingested pre-ride.

After - EAS Whey Protein Mix or EAS Protein bars because they're more convenient to bring along to the group ride

The protein has really helped with my recovery. I feel like I can maintain speed for longer intervals and my legs are never sore the day after a hard ride.

Now for the experimentation - I did pick up a canister of Jack3d earlier this week and have trained using it twice so far. So far I can say that it definitely perks me up and makes me feel more driven/focused but it's hard to say how much it actually impacted my performance. Today I took some and went out for a 90 minute session mixing in sprint intervals and hill climbs and I felt pretty strong. About 45 minutes in I felt a little nauceous but that soon subsided. I am thinking I should not have eaten breakfast (200 cal of granola) prior to using it.
Hey everyone, I'm looking for a site to buy protein bars online. I've only been able to find regular size boxes in stores here at a ridiculous price. Reason I ask is I find it more convenient to have them shipped to my door.
I take Actigin for endurance and beast creature for creatine. Protein shakes are a good choice, too.
mostly protein powder, after.
im considering taking multivitamins, but not sure how much my body will benefit from it
even before i started ridin, when i was wasting my time in the gym
i was working out a lot, and used only protein
mostly protein shakes

usually after my morning workout
Cold water

the best for my morning
use to do it with milk
but now..just water..healthier and tasty
Originally Posted by alexiso
mostly protein shakes

usually after my morning workout
Cold water

the best for my morning
use to do it with milk
but now..just water..healthier and tasty
Oats are the food of champians