3 weeks till first cat 5


New Member
Jul 19, 2005
I guess it can be said that I'm new to the sport of cycling. I'm 18 years old and have always enjoyed the sight of the pelotone gliding across the course.

Today I decided to enter my first cat 5 race. The race is three weeks away and I am really looking forward to it. I've never raced on a bike nor have I ever trained on one, so really I guess I dont know what I'm getting myself into. But still, I am going to follow through.

The course is made up of 5 laps around a flat 2 1/4 mile long field.

I ride my Specialized Allez on a daily basis but have never really trained at a consistant speed. Still, I really do want to work toward this in this short period of time. Can anyone give me some tips on what I can do over these next three weeks? What would an average lap time be for a course like this? All help is welcomed and I plan to keep this thread updated with my progress.
feder04 said:
I guess it can be said that I'm new to the sport of cycling. I'm 18 years old and have always enjoyed the sight of the pelotone gliding across the course.

Today I decided to enter my first cat 5 race. The race is three weeks away and I am really looking forward to it. I've never raced on a bike nor have I ever trained on one, so really I guess I dont know what I'm getting myself into. But still, I am going to follow through.

The course is made up of 5 laps around a flat 2 1/4 mile long field.

I ride my Specialized Allez on a daily basis but have never really trained at a consistant speed. Still, I really do want to work toward this in this short period of time. Can anyone give me some tips on what I can do over these next three weeks? What would an average lap time be for a course like this? All help is welcomed and I plan to keep this thread updated with my progress.
Just ride as much as you can :). Keeping your heart rate up is a good idea too (don't take it too easy).

You'll be much slower on your own than you will be in the race, as riding in a pack makes things much easier.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.

I just got back from riding and now I think i'm begining to realize what i've gotten myself into. I guess youre right in saying that the ride will be faster riding in the pack, but still.....i felt i was pretty slow today, then again the wind was a big factor. Like you said the best I can do is ride as much as i can and keep my heart rate up. I'm riding for myself, not for anyone else so there really would be no reason to not race.
Go out and fine some fast group rides. Learn to drink and eat during the fast ride. Ride your line and try not to half wheel people.

Dont' even think about what would happen. Just stick with it. You won't regret. Result doesn't matter: it matters that you are willling to do it. Of course, it's gong to be faster, but you get to draft so you never know.

Good luck!
Ill throw in my two cents here too. I wouldnt say to expect to suck first time out, but dont go out thinking you will win the line sprint. I got slaughtered my first Cat 5. Hey, its ok though, because it taught me handling of the bike, riding in the pack, and strategy for the end. Get a few races under your belt, and youll start seeing things you can do different, ways to stay on the front, and ways to put yourself in a position to win.

The important part is not to get discouraged if you get dropped or pulled. Everyone has to start somewhere. I agree with sooray02, you need to learn to drink and eat (depending on how long your race is) like its second nature while handling the bike and still pedaling.

Good luck!

I'm 18 too but i've been racing for a few years. What should u do in the next 3 weeks? The simple answer is intervals (that is if you are not in poor shape). Since ur race is ralativly short, u should do intervals. If you don;t kno what intervals are, intervals= controlled sustained efforts for a prescibed period of time. So what does this all mean? what u shuold do is. 4 three mins intervals. Go as hard as you can for three mins then rest for one min. U can adjust ur effort/ recovery time as u feel fit. u should however, give all you can for each interval...don;t worry about the next one. PS, don;t stop pedaling during the time between the intervals; keep pedaling at an easy pace. Good luck in ur race! its a great sport and its great to get started at such a young age!
Today i bought myself clipless pedals and cleats and let me say, wow...they make a huge difference. I also installed a computer onto my bike so i can keep track of my cadence, speed and time.

My riding has been going well, but the wind today was very rough.

Does anyone have any tips for riding into the wind? What speed should I be looking to get up to going into the wind?

Thanks for everyones advice and help.