4 Wheel Drive Mums


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
I don't normally rant about 4 wheel drives (I have one which gets used in the bush and in town) but....

The 9 year old started bike-ed at school today. So we rode to school together before I headed off on my usual commute to the CBD.

We navigated the usual homicidal parent drivers in cars and then I saw it - at least 3 mums arrived in their humungous 4 wheel drives and disgorged their kids' bikes from the rear of their vehicles.

For Gawd's Sake, they all live within half a kilometre or so of the school. It would have taken longer to get the bike and kid into and out of the car than it would have taken to ride. Even if the mum did not ride, she could have walked with the kid who was riding!

Doesn't seem right to me :rolleyes:

End of rant - I'm feeling much better now thank-you.

Understand your rant - have seen it all myself...

Looking forward to when my daughter is old enough to ride to school.
She is turning 7 this year - but can't quite handle a longish (but not
to steep) uphill on the 1km ride to school.

Figure one of the best things I can do for the kids is to make morning
exercise (whether it be a cycle commute, early run, swim, or even just
walk) a very normal thing to do...

Cheers all,
Absent Husband