a good trade

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Penny S

one of my riding gal pal's hubby did a total clean, adjust, replace 1000 mile maintenance on the
svelte Hawaiian ( that would be the bike, not me) New cables, guides, brake pads, pedal spindles,
chain ring, and bottom bracket. Everything else cleaned, repacked, adjusted, tuned or whatever.

I made this for him in exchange, http://www.cet.com/~pennys/images/papullover.jpg Schoeller Dryskin
pullover, equivalent to something like the Black Diamond alpinist shirt, out of the newest coolest
"soft shell" fabric.

this has got to be the best trade ever, I'm not sure which one of us is happier.

Now I think I'll hand him Mr Adventures bike, which is most likely going to need all sorts of stuff,
and offer to do a shirt for Teri, his wife or some pants to match.

"Penny S" <[email protected]> wrote

> this has got to be the best trade ever, I'm not sure which one of us is happier.

The only reason it's a good trade, is because you can *do* that stuff. The rest of us would end up
making a lopsided tarp.

Nice pullover.

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