Advice and thoughts on riding/running in Houston


New Member
Aug 2, 2009
Don't be a dang weaknut. I want to know what happened to 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Why do people get so " it's not a bike friendly city?'. The hell it isn't, we just don't have any real cyclists around, that's the dang problem. Wanna make it a bike friendly city, go and own the dang road and fight for your right to be there and bring your cycling friends too. There is not one road down here that is not begging to be ripped apart by the seams of your bicycles tires. Don't be scared, we all gotta go sometime so it might as well be on a bike or better yet, increase your handling and speed and avoid all collisions, that's what I do. Go ride Westhiemer from the loop out to Hwy 6 and around the dam and back if you live by the loop, that should give you an easy 60 miles each day.

It's a bike, you have road, put two and two together and there you go. Westhiemer is a great road to train on. Nwcc is the better club (friendlier, more mature atmosphere) and has some very slight rolling elevation but swcc has a good route with more miles.

For running, Memorial Park and go run on the mountain bike trails. And run on the road too. Run everywhere. and yes, Rice. mmmm mmmmmm track women!

Just some random thoughts i've been needing to get out.

Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?

Too damn funny! :D I was just caught in a momentary speech and brain impediment stemming from a momentary speech and brain impediment. :)

I should have called the thread "Cycling friendly cities, How and why?" so as we all could play. I think i will.