AIS Women's Squad, ABC TV 8pm Mon 20 Feb



One Perfect Day
ABC Monday 20 Feb, 8pm
Next on Australian Story, Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) women's
cycling coach Warren McDonald talks for the first time about the crash
which killed one of his team members and injured five others.

McDonald was driving the team's backup vehicle about 80 metres behind
the cyclists and witnessed the moment they were struck by an
out-of-control car in south-eastern Germany last July.

Finding one rider - Amy Gillett - already dead, and the others
injured or unconscious, he faced the dilemma of who to help first?

"It's the hardest decision you have to make, to survey the scene
and decide what to do," he told Australian Story.

"That's a decision which lives with me for the rest of my life."

McDonald reveals that the accident has had a devastating impact on his
own emotional health. As a coach, he feels guilty that one member of
the team under his care did not return from the trip, and he sometimes
wishes the car had struck him instead.

The injured riders also give detailed recollections about the crash to
the program, which has been following their progress through
rehabilitation for the last five months.

Warren McDonald says he will have some tough decisions to make if some
of them are unable to fully recover, with a new batch of riders
knocking on the door for a place in the AIS team.