Almost got hurt today...almost...crazy story


New Member
Apr 11, 2006
So I live in Chicago and I ride the lake path pretty much everyday. I do about 20 miles a day. Those of you that are familar when you reach the end Hollywood beach you loop back and cross the first street which is BrynMarr..Us cyclist have the right of with the wind behind my back and my enorphins flowing I come up to the cross walk. This jerk in a saturn slows down and runs the stop. I mouth on my merry way I go and I come to the next street which the lake path cross which foster. I am about to cross the street and I see this old man running at me yelling like I just killed his dog..I stop my bike and three guys behind stop to...The old fool drove 2+ miles as fast as he could ran 3 stops signs to tell me F off. Needless to say I was impressed..So I stood there quiet as he berated me then the other fellas behind me..A cop pulled up shortly..I was waiting for him to hit me to be honest....this guy was so angry...I cant even explain...I rarely have seen anyone that was insane..So the cop calmed him down and thanked me for not kicking his fat saturn driving ass with his tacky hawaiin shirt up and down the block..I explained to officer what happened and I asked the guy whats your problem it obviously isnt me...Me mouthing WTF as you almost hit me when I have the right of way should not spark this type of furor..This guy lunged at me....the officer put him down on the floor...HOLY CRAPOLA....This guy was ticketed for running 2 stop signs..a lady on her bike pulled up and said this guy almost ran her over and that he ran the stop signs..I am very courteous rider on the streets life is too short to get all bent out of shape..but what the heck possed this guy today was beyond me....ehh what can you do.

Be Safe out there!
aih312 said:
So I live in Chicago and I ride the lake path pretty much everyday. I do about 20 miles a day. Those of you that are familar when you reach the end Hollywood beach you loop back and cross the first street which is BrynMarr..Us cyclist have the right of with the wind behind my back and my enorphins flowing I come up to the cross walk. This jerk in a saturn slows down and runs the stop. I mouth on my merry way I go and I come to the next street which the lake path cross which foster. I am about to cross the street and I see this old man running at me yelling like I just killed his dog..I stop my bike and three guys behind stop to...The old fool drove 2+ miles as fast as he could ran 3 stops signs to tell me F off. Needless to say I was impressed..So I stood there quiet as he berated me then the other fellas behind me..A cop pulled up shortly..I was waiting for him to hit me to be honest....this guy was so angry...I cant even explain...I rarely have seen anyone that was insane..So the cop calmed him down and thanked me for not kicking his fat saturn driving ass with his tacky hawaiin shirt up and down the block..I explained to officer what happened and I asked the guy whats your problem it obviously isnt me...Me mouthing WTF as you almost hit me when I have the right of way should not spark this type of furor..This guy lunged at me....the officer put him down on the floor...HOLY CRAPOLA....This guy was ticketed for running 2 stop signs..a lady on her bike pulled up and said this guy almost ran her over and that he ran the stop signs..I am very courteous rider on the streets life is too short to get all bent out of shape..but what the heck possed this guy today was beyond me....ehh what can you do.

Be Safe out there!

"Almost hurt" doesn't count. If there weren't bone fragments, a plate sized pool of blood, or projectile vomiting as a result of an intracranial bleed, there wasn't hurt.

There are buttheads everywhere. That's why I ride and drive under the assumption that everyone is out to kill me.
Sounds like a typical day of riding down here...if someone doesn't yell from a car window, throw something at you, or speed around you then swerve real quick over on you it hasn't been a good day of riding...

Good job keeping your cool...
tiggere said:
Sounds like a typical day of riding down here...if someone doesn't yell from a car window, throw something at you, or speed around you then swerve real quick over on you it hasn't been a good day of riding...

Good job keeping your cool...

Thanks...last year I got hit by a lexus (ls460)....when I was on a bike front of restaurant..the dude dip into the bike lane and then took off and the valet guys chased him down and so did a cab driver...I broke a few ribs and my stellar colnago was destroyed...oh and the girl who was trailing behind also took a serious hit to the curb..thank god it was the end of summer...The guy said he didnt see us...ummm dude its a bright red and yellow can see it from space...and the girl behind me blonde as hell..BTW we are dating now..she is at minimum I got a hot g-friend..

I cant believe people yell and throw **** at you guys when you ride, that is crazy..never experience that here in Chicago..I am sure others have...but from my place to the lake is only 3.2 miles all on a bike I guess my time is minimum on the path.

Be Safe
Good on you:)
Great that the looser got ticketed - it may(?) be a lesson for him:eek:

aih312 said:
So I live in Chicago and I ride the lake path pretty much everyday. I do about 20 miles a day. Those of you that are familar when you reach the end Hollywood beach you loop back and cross the first street which is BrynMarr..Us cyclist have the right of with the wind behind my back and my enorphins flowing I come up to the cross walk. This jerk in a saturn slows down and runs the stop. I mouth on my merry way I go and I come to the next street which the lake path cross which foster. I am about to cross the street and I see this old man running at me yelling like I just killed his dog..I stop my bike and three guys behind stop to...The old fool drove 2+ miles as fast as he could ran 3 stops signs to tell me F off. Needless to say I was impressed..So I stood there quiet as he berated me then the other fellas behind me..A cop pulled up shortly..I was waiting for him to hit me to be honest....this guy was so angry...I cant even explain...I rarely have seen anyone that was insane..So the cop calmed him down and thanked me for not kicking his fat saturn driving ass with his tacky hawaiin shirt up and down the block..I explained to officer what happened and I asked the guy whats your problem it obviously isnt me...Me mouthing WTF as you almost hit me when I have the right of way should not spark this type of furor..This guy lunged at me....the officer put him down on the floor...HOLY CRAPOLA....This guy was ticketed for running 2 stop signs..a lady on her bike pulled up and said this guy almost ran her over and that he ran the stop signs..I am very courteous rider on the streets life is too short to get all bent out of shape..but what the heck possed this guy today was beyond me....ehh what can you do.

Be Safe out there!
aih312 said:
Thanks...last year I got hit by a lexus (ls460)....when I was on a bike front of restaurant..the dude dip into the bike lane and then took off and the valet guys chased him down and so did a cab driver...I broke a few ribs and my stellar colnago was destroyed...oh and the girl who was trailing behind also took a serious hit to the curb..thank god it was the end of summer...The guy said he didnt see us...ummm dude its a bright red and yellow can see it from space...and the girl behind me blonde as hell..BTW we are dating now..she is at minimum I got a hot g-friend..

I cant believe people yell and throw **** at you guys when you ride, that is crazy..never experience that here in Chicago..I am sure others have...but from my place to the lake is only 3.2 miles all on a bike I guess my time is minimum on the path.

Be Safe
I wish we had bike lanes around here. The stupid town that I live in has chosen to ignore the fact that most of the riders around here do not want to transport their bicycles to the little 1/2 mile trails that the city has so generously provided. Now, whenever a road is built, there is about six inches of space between the asphault and the curb and they expect us to ride in that! As most of you are aware, drivers generally do not share the asphault, so there is not much pleasure riding or commuting in this idiotic town. Even the owner of our LBS doesn't bike to work, but loves to ride in the neighboring towns when ever he is off.
kdelong...we have quite a few around here...trouble is they don't keep them clean...there is all kinds of debris, rocks, glass, and other foreign matter in just about all of them...they really are useless unless someone cleans them on a regular basis...that reminds me...I haven't complained to the city lately...might bea good way to get my fix in...
kdelong said:
I wish we had bike lanes around here. The stupid town that I live in has chosen to ignore the fact that most of the riders around here do not want to transport their bicycles to the little 1/2 mile trails that the city has so generously provided. Now, whenever a road is built, there is about six inches of space between the asphault and the curb and they expect us to ride in that! As most of you are aware, drivers generally do not share the asphault, so there is not much pleasure riding or commuting in this idiotic town. Even the owner of our LBS doesn't bike to work, but loves to ride in the neighboring towns when ever he is off.
I have 2 bike paths that are about 10 miles from where I live, one is 43 miles long and the other is 11 miles long, but most of the time I ride on the road.
Guess I am lucky because I don't have to deal with many cars (I live out in the country) last sunday morning I rode 35 miles and only saw about 7 or 8 cars pass me!! I feel for you guys that have to deal with idiots all the time.
I have 2 bike paths that are about 10 miles from where I live, one is 43 miles long and the other is 11 miles long...

Cuyahoga Valley and Emerald Necklace? The only bke path n my area is the 4-mile stretch on state route 542 from Dellroy to state route 212, around the south shore of Atwood Lake. 14 miles of public roads to get to it from my place

I'll probably ride the STOMP tour this Saturday. It was good training, last year, sitting in behind my friend's tandem for 60 miles. See up there, if you ride it also.
I have 2 bike paths that are about 10 miles from where I live, one is 43 miles long and the other is 11 miles long...

Cuyahoga Valley and Emerald Necklace? The only bke path n my area is the 4-mile stretch on state route 542 from Dellroy to state route 212, around the south shore of Atwood Lake. 14 miles of public roads to get to it from my place

I'll probably ride the STOMP tour this Saturday. It was good training, last year, sitting in behind my friend's tandem for 60 miles. See up there, if you ride it also.
No the 2 I am talking about are the Western Reserve Greenway which goes from Champion to Ashtabula, you have to get on RT45 for 6 miles of it, and the other is the Mill Creek Metroparks trail. both are well maintained, the Mill Creek is usally pretty busy with walkers.
Wow! I didn't realize they had that much of the Western Reserve completed. That's good news.
Wow! I didn't realize they had that much of the Western Reserve completed. That's good news.
They were supposed to finish the last 6 miles this year, I have not rode the path that far up to check! Maybe I will ride it tomorrow since I took a vacation day from work (sounds like a plan!!):D
Fujiman said:
I have 2 bike paths that are about 10 miles from where I live, one is 43 miles long and the other is 11 miles long, but most of the time I ride on the road.
Guess I am lucky because I don't have to deal with many cars (I live out in the country) last sunday morning I rode 35 miles and only saw about 7 or 8 cars pass me!! I feel for you guys that have to deal with idiots all the time.
I do live within a 1 hour drive of the Little Miami Recreational Trail which runs from the east side of Cincinnati all the way through Urbana. There are a couple of miles of it through Springfield that are on roads but the rest of it is all trail. The trail passes through Xenia, where there is a spur running un-broken to South Charleston, and then to London after a couple of miles of road. There is another spur that connects the Little Miami Trail to the Montgomery Metroparks Trail System which is one of the best that I have ever seen. In all, we have over 200 miles of paved trails in this area, however some sections are closed this year due to Interstate Construction and a bridge replacement.

What really rankles me is the city of Fairfield where I live. We have a 1/2 mile paved path at one of our city parks, another 1/2 miler at another park, and about one mile that extends to Hamiton's trail along the Great Miami River. Our city council really thinks that this is something to be proud of. The funny thing is that the most recent News Letter that they sent out listed several more trails, but they just plain do not exist. And forget about riding on the road unless you have a death wish. While neighboring cities build roads with bike lanes, Fairfield strays behind them building roads that are bicycle unfriendly.

If you want more information about the trails in SW Ohio, log onto the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission's website, and you can order a free map.