An early xmas baw baw



Byron & I are going to climb Baw BAw on Friday morning - hopefully
starting at Noojee or icey creek or somewhere like that at about 9am.

Anyone else keen for torture? I'll be *very* slow, so am insisting
that we wait at the top to regroup!
On 2005-12-19, Bleve (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> Byron & I are going to climb Baw BAw on Friday morning - hopefully
> starting at Noojee or icey creek or somewhere like that at about 9am.
> Anyone else keen for torture? I'll be *very* slow, so am insisting
> that we wait at the top to regroup!

Anyone got a profile?

"Late change with showers. Possible thunderstorm. Min 19 Max 34"

I've found that very little humour can be squeezed into 64 chara
-- Screwtape
TimC said:
On 2005-12-19, Bleve (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:

Anyone got a profile?

"Late change with showers. Possible thunderstorm. Min 19 Max 34"

-- Screwtape
Start point
Toll Gate 80km from Warragul, stationary start
The route
Mt Baw Baw ; A few stats for that all important gear choice.; The Baw Baw climb is 6km from the gatehouse to the summit with an elevation gain of 780m. ; This means that the average gradient is 13% for the whole climb (780/6000 x 100).; I am not sure what the steepest sections are. ; As a comparison, L'Alpe d'Huez, the most famous climb in the Tour de France is 13.8km at 7.9%.; The Col du Tourmalet is 18.3km at 7.7% and the Col de la Madelaine is 19.4km at 7.7%.; Last year's Tour of Spain had a climb up L'Angliru which was billed as the; toughest climb in the world (see ). ; It is 13km at an average of 9.6% with the last 6 km averaging 13%. ; The steepest section is 23.5%.; Although a "hors category" climb normally has an elevation gain of at least; 1000m and more likely, 1500m, the steepness of Baw Baw would mean that it; would be classed as a hors category in Europe. ; As you can see, Baw Baw is not that far behind L'Angliru.; Toll ~ Neulynes = 2kms; Neulynes ~ Chair Gully = 2kms; Chair Gully ~ Finish = 3kms
End point
Mt Baw Baw Village

6km, total ascent 780m, starting altitude 680m, finishing altitude1460m, av gradient 13%
"essendon93" <[email protected]>
> Toll Gate 80km from Warragul, stationary start
> *The route*
> Mt Baw Baw ; A few stats for that all important gear choice.; The Baw
> Baw climb is 6km from the gatehouse to the summit with an elevation
> gain of 780m. ; This means that the average gradient is 13% for the
> whole climb (780/6000 x 100).; I am not sure what the steepest sections
> are. ; As a comparison, L'Alpe d'Huez, the most famous climb in the Tour
> de France is 13.8km at 7.9%.; The Col du Tourmalet is 18.3km at 7.7% and
> the Col de la Madelaine is 19.4km at 7.7%.; Last year's Tour of Spain
> had a climb up L'Angliru which was billed as the; toughest climb in the
> world (see ). ; It is
> 13km at an average of 9.6% with the last 6 km averaging 13%. ; The
> steepest section is 23.5%.; Although a "hors category" climb normally
> has an elevation gain of at least; 1000m and more likely, 1500m, the
> steepness of Baw Baw would mean that it; would be classed as a hors
> category in Europe. ; As you can see, Baw Baw is not that far behind
> L'Angliru.; Toll ~ Neulynes = 2kms; Neulynes ~ Chair Gully = 2kms;
> Chair Gully ~ Finish = 3kms
> *End point*
> Mt Baw Baw Village
> 6km, total ascent 780m, starting altitude 680m, finishing
> altitude1460m, av gradient 13%

Bah! Only 6km - that's just a pimple! :)

Actually, that sounds like fun, let us know how you go. I climbed Alpe
D'Huez and Mont Ventoux a few years ago, and while it was fantastic to
finally climb these legends, they weren't the impossible challenge I thought
they would be. While they are tough climbs most riders can get up them and
hundreds do every day. It's the way the pros go up them at such speed, and
do multiple climbs in the same long stage that I reckon is amazing.
