ATB Jerseys are all to big


New Member
May 5, 2006
If you haven't collected your ATB jersey and you would like one that fits pay the 10 bucks and change the size now.

Some friends and I collected ours yesterday and they are large across the shoulders and way way to long (could get caught on saddle and I'm 6'4" tall). BV have a statement on their website acknowledging the problem:
but with no resolution other than they will try not to screw it up next year! Nice work guys didn't you look at any samples?

The guy at the collection point suggested we could swap it online but surprise surprise as the problem is systemic everyone is looking for a smaller size!

On the off chance anyone would like to swap an XXL for a XL or L let me know.
Dave, you might try posting on the BV forums as well. Quite a few people there are trying to swap jerseys also, so you might get a match.

Also, in BV's defence, sometimes the samples and the finished product do not match. I know from personal experience.

Failing a successful swap, you could try and find a friend who is handy with a sewing machine to make a few alterations.
Or they could pay an extra 5 bucks per jersey for actual real quality control.

Oh wait, then nobody would buy them. Forget I said anything. :rolleyes:
matagi said:
Also, in BV's defence, sometimes the samples and the finished product do not match. I know from personal experience.

From personal experience - if the sample is what you want, and the production doesn't match the sample, you don't pay for the production. Thats the purpose of the sample.

I didn't want to post on this next comment on the BV Forums, but seriously - BV short changed on purpose on the jerseys. They probably paid $5 for a jersey rather than $10 and got crapped on as you would expect.

Personally I don't hold out much hope for the material to 'breathe' either.
Was BV responsible for those nightmare orange and purple 'free bikes' during the Great Vic as well?
parawolf said:
From personal experience - if the sample is what you want, and the production doesn't match the sample, you don't pay for the production. Thats the purpose of the sample.

I didn't want to post on this next comment on the BV Forums, but seriously - BV short changed on purpose on the jerseys. They probably paid $5 for a jersey rather than $10 and got crapped on as you would expect.

Personally I don't hold out much hope for the material to 'breathe' either.

Problem is, if you really need the product, then sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go with what you've been given because the timeframe is too short to go with a new production run.

Agree they probably went with the cheapest thing they thought they could reasonably get away with, but how many jerseys would they sell if they went for a high end product costing heaps?

Personally, I don't go for these "souvenir" jerseys, so they are wasted on me.
matagi said:
Problem is, if you really need the product, then sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go with what you've been given because the timeframe is too short to go with a new production run.

Agree they probably went with the cheapest thing they thought they could reasonably get away with, but how many jerseys would they sell if they went for a high end product costing heaps?

Personally, I don't go for these "souvenir" jerseys, so they are wasted on me.

No you don't. You sign a guarantee to supply within 5% tolerance of design and sample delivery. Production is outside spec? You don't pay. Sure you end up without a product, but also are holding the manufacturer to specification.

Additionally the manufacturer ends up with some 1000's of jerseys that they virtually have to destroy as it contains your trademarked designs.

Personally i'd prefer - as I stated in the BV thread - that BV ditch the cheap crappy jersey in favour for a more limited run from a quality production house and reduce entry costs (or put $15 into Smith Family for fundraising and keeping it the same entry costs).
parawolf said:
No you don't. You sign a guarantee to supply within 5% tolerance of design and sample delivery. Production is outside spec? You don't pay. Sure you end up without a product, but also are holding the manufacturer to specification.

Additionally the manufacturer ends up with some 1000's of jerseys that they virtually have to destroy as it contains your trademarked designs.

Personally i'd prefer - as I stated in the BV thread - that BV ditch the cheap crappy jersey in favour for a more limited run from a quality production house and reduce entry costs (or put $15 into Smith Family for fundraising and keeping it the same entry costs).
Couldn't agree more. As the event is an annual one you would think that they would have initiated the process with enough time to return them to the manufacturer if they were sub-standard (even I have a pretty good idea when the 2008 ATB will be on...). One wonders what would have happened if they got one of the sponsers details (logo/spelling etc) wrong.

I don't want to stick it to BV too much because I think they do great work but it does seem like a massive waste of resources (design, production, distribution, money) if the end product gets chucked because it is unwearable. Does the Smith Family have any use for 5000 jerseys, 'cause they can have mine.

On the up side at least they acknowledged that they stuffed up - its more than you get from most companies/organisations these days.
Dave80 said:
If you haven't collected your ATB jersey and you would like one that fits pay the 10 bucks and change the size now.

Some friends and I collected ours yesterday and they are large across the shoulders and way way to long (could get caught on saddle and I'm 6'4" tall). BV have a statement on their website acknowledging the problem:
but with no resolution other than they will try not to screw it up next year! Nice work guys didn't you look at any samples?

The guy at the collection point suggested we could swap it online but surprise surprise as the problem is systemic everyone is looking for a smaller size!

On the off chance anyone would like to swap an XXL for a XL or L let me know.
At last something is working my way. By mistake I ordered a large but then realised that I am an XL. I was not going to pay an extra $10 for the change of size, with a bit of luck it might fit, chances are though it won't. Last years jerseys were a bit short, they were supposed to be Scody sized but that certainly was not the case because I wear Scody jerseys.
I must admit I haven't seen the desigm for 06...but if they were anything like those fargin ugly ones from 05, ya wouldn't be seen dead in 'em anyway!
Hitchy said:
I must admit I haven't seen the desigm for 06...but if they were anything like those fargin ugly ones from 05, ya wouldn't be seen dead in 'em anyway!

Here you go Hitchy, ATB Jersey
matagi said:
Here you go Hitchy, ATB Jersey

T-shirt or jersey?...presumably if it's a Jersey there must be a zip or something...whichever...its about 9000% better looking than last years catastrophe!....musta employed someone who passed 'kinder' finger painting this year!
Hitchy said:
T-shirt or jersey?...presumably if it's a Jersey there must be a zip or something...whichever...its about 9000% better looking than last years catastrophe!....musta employed someone who passed 'kinder' finger painting this year!
Full length zip, 3 back pockets and an extra small pocket with a zip
Dave80 said:
Full length zip, 3 back pockets and an extra small pocket with a zip

sounds like a vast improvement....too bad, (by all reports) that the quality control & sizing is so ordinary
Dancier said:
At last something is working my way. By mistake I ordered a large but then realised that I am an XL. I was not going to pay an extra $10 for the change of size, with a bit of luck it might fit, chances are though it won't. Last years jerseys were a bit short, they were supposed to be Scody sized but that certainly was not the case because I wear Scody jerseys.
Just picked up the large jersey and it fits nicely. The material and the design is much better than last years as well.
Dave, you can have mine, I think it's a Large. I'm not planning on picking it up so I'm sure it'll be a leftover after all is said and done. :)