Bains bike shop in Newhaven Edinburgh



Bains bikes has been shut for quite a few weeks now. Not even
open for the 4pm - 8pm slot that it uaually does.

Anyone know more about this?

stupot <***> wrote in news:cbelbo$hbb$1$8300dec7

> Bains bikes has been shut for quite a few weeks now. Not even
> open for the 4pm - 8pm slot that it uaually does.
> Anyone know more about this?

I'm not local enough any more to find out exactly what's happening (I
used to live in Newhaven Road, about 300m away). However I do know that
there used to be periods when he was shut for a few weeks with little/no
notice (or at least none that was visible) for holidays, illness etc.
Given the grills on the windows etc. then I can understand him not
wanting to put up a sign saying "This place will be empty for the next X

He doesn't have an answering machine, but on the odd occasion I rang and
he didn't answer then he rang me back soon after (he'd obviously used
1471). So if he is there but you're not catching him, then it may be
worth ringing. His hours can be a bit flexible, like 7-10 instead of 4-8
etc. and who can blame him with all this nice weather I've been hearing

You can forgive him a hell of a lot when he builds you a good solid set
of wheels at almost cost plus a few quid for labour!

Graeme [email protected] opined the following...
> You can forgive him a hell of a lot when he builds you a good solid set
> of wheels at almost cost plus a few quid for labour!

I tried him a few months ago when I was looking for bits for the fixer.
After a couple of phone calls and a quick look at the shop, I presumed
it was no more. That was a while ago hoever (Probably about 4 / 5
months) so if anyone has seen him open since then I'd certainly be glad
to know about it. The shop looks cool (and is just down the road from me
at work!).

Jon Senior <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> After a couple of phone calls and a quick look at the shop, I presumed
> it was no more.

It always looks closed, even if he's in their working away. I do hope he's
still in business.

I was there about 7 weeks ago. But Ive been down twice a week since
and he's not been open.

Shame. :-(

Graeme wrote:
> Jon Senior <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>>After a couple of phone calls and a quick look at the shop, I presumed
>>it was no more.

> It always looks closed, even if he's in their working away. I do hope he's
> still in business.
> Graeme