basso admits to doping

In article
<[email protected]>,
need more sun <[email protected]> wrote:

> >
> > Riis was the smart director sportif and got rid of Basso right away.
> > It was good to see Discovery do the same as it probably saved the team
> > a lot of embarassment. It's difficult to recruit a new sponsor when
> > your top rider has a fridge full of blood.

> It was good to see Discovery doing the same? Good? They knew all along
> Basso was guilty, and the only reason they dropped him (oh, sorry, he
> 'resigned') was because they knew what was coming. They don't deserve
> a new sponsor. They deserve nothing good to come out of this.
> Go back and re-read Bruyneel's holier than thou comments when they
> signed Basso. He's a crook and a con man.

So what is it with folks who spew their own holier than
thou cant as they whoop and gloat over somebody's
misfortune? This is not someone running down and
killing a cyclist then getting probation. This not
crooks on Wall Street and crooks in board rooms
outright stealing billions. I prescribe perspective and
three fingers of single malt.

Michael Press
In article
<[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote:

> It's good that Basso resigned from Discovery. The question now is how
> much Basso damaged Discovery's image.

Any takers?

> On May 7, 10:00 am, need more sun <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > Riis was the smart director sportif and got rid of Basso right away.
> > > It was good to see Discovery do the same as it probably saved the team
> > > a lot of embarassment. It's difficult to recruit a new sponsor when
> > > your top rider has a fridge full of blood.

> >
> > It was good to see Discovery doing the same? Good? They knew all along
> > Basso was guilty, and the only reason they dropped him (oh, sorry, he
> > 'resigned') was because they knew what was coming. They don't deserve
> > a new sponsor. They deserve nothing good to come out of this.
> >
> > Go back and re-read Bruyneel's holier than thou comments when they
> > signed Basso. He's a crook and a con man.

Michael Press
On May 7, 12:38 pm, paolo <[email protected]> wrote:
> On May 7, 7:42 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> >

> > This should be interesting...

> I like Basso, his style, focus on the long climbs and improvement in
> the ITTs. I was hoping he wasn't involved, as he repeatedly
> insisted. More bothersome is the fact that he openly lied about his
> ties to OP for nearly a year. Imagine, TdF and Giro winners get
> busted in the same year for PEDs! The fact that Herera got stripped
> of his Vuelta title the prior year puts grand tours in such a bad
> light. The winners of the TdF, Giro and Vuelta all stripped of their
> titles? Although I doubt Basso will face a similar fate. I now agree
> with ASO - Implicated riders should be banned from the ASO sponsored
> events. The Giro and Vuelta organizers should do the same thing.
> I really like the idea of cleaning house in the sport. They need to
> fine these riders in addition to the suspension. The riders are
> gambling that they won't get caught and that they can make a lot of
> money in 2-3 years gaming the sport. Awful behavior. It's so
> difficult to watch the sport on these days and consider the
> number of riders who are using drugs or alternatives to enhance their
> performance. Even the riders returning from suspensions dished out in
> 2005 suspect in my eyes. Evans and Hamilton take note. And all those
> spanish riders who avoided prosecution on that testing technicality in
> OP - Contador et. al.

Evans? Is Evans returning from a suspension? Or did you mean

The way things are shaping up, Evans could be looking good for a
podium spot this year.
On May 8, 2:32 am, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article
> <[email protected]>,
> need more sun <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > Riis was the smart director sportif and got rid of Basso right away.
> > > It was good to see Discovery do the same as it probably saved the team
> > > a lot of embarassment. It's difficult to recruit a new sponsor when
> > > your top rider has a fridge full of blood.

> > It was good to see Discovery doing the same? Good? They knew all along
> > Basso was guilty, and the only reason they dropped him (oh, sorry, he
> > 'resigned') was because they knew what was coming. They don't deserve
> > a new sponsor. They deserve nothing good to come out of this.

> > Go back and re-read Bruyneel's holier than thou comments when they
> > signed Basso. He's a crook and a con man.

> So what is it with folks who spew their own holier than
> thou cant as they whoop and gloat over somebody's
> misfortune? This is not someone running down and
> killing a cyclist then getting probation. This not
> crooks on Wall Street and crooks in board rooms
> outright stealing billions. I prescribe perspective and
> three fingers of single malt.
> --
> Michael Press

No, it is a directeur sportif who puts his own ambition and greed
ahead of any efforts to clean up the sport after what happened last
summer. Cycling is on its knees and yet all JB can think about is his
pocket and his ego.If you are feeling so defensive of him, go back and
read some of the quotes and nonsense he came out with around the time
of signing Basso.

Forgive me for being annoyed, but I've had enough of these greedy
***** who don't give a f*** about the sport. Anyone who loves cycling
should feel the same. And anyone who defends Bruyneel needs to have a
long, hard look at themselves.
Michael Press wrote:
> So what is it with folks who spew their own holier than
> thou cant as they whoop and gloat over somebody's
> misfortune? This is not someone running down and
> killing a cyclist then getting probation. This not
> crooks on Wall Street and crooks in board rooms
> outright stealing billions. I prescribe perspective and
> three fingers of single malt.

need more sun wrote:
> Forgive me for being annoyed, but I've had enough of these greedy
> ***** who don't give a f*** about the sport. Anyone who loves cycling
> should feel the same.

And what punishment would you recommend for those who don't share your
righteous indignation ? A stake barbeque or a night of illicit passion
with Tammy perhaps ?
On Tue, 08 May 2007 09:52:52 +0000, Donald Munro
<[email protected]> wrote:

>And what punishment would you recommend for those who don't share your
>righteous indignation ? A stake barbeque or a night of illicit passion
>with Tammy perhaps ?

If it comes to that, I'm opting for one over two. The pain will go
away before the nightmares.

Curtis L. Russell
Odenton, MD (USA)
Just someone on two wheels...
On Tue, 08 May 2007 06:56:07 -0700, Fred Fredburger
<[email protected]> wrote:

>MMan wrote:
>> On May 7, 10:42 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>> This should be interesting...

>> Virenque, Millar, Basso.
>> All confessed.
>> None ever tested positive, am I right?
>> Do tests prove anything?

>I'm not even sure they prove whether you can pass a test any more.

Obviously the next stage is that those that have been cheating in
competition have to escalate the 'cheating on the test' portion. Then
all those that are agitated and disturbed about the overt signs of the
possibility of drugs and cheating can go back to sleep.

The recent cases are not signs of more cheating in bicycling or any
other sport, but simply that the cheaters and their enablers are
getting sloppy and careless and are letting the leading edge of the
testing catch the back markers of the cheater set.

And in the end, that is indefensible and entirely unnecessary. Shame
on them...

Curtis L. Russell
Odenton, MD (USA)
Just someone on two wheels...
In article
<[email protected]>,
need more sun <[email protected]> wrote:

> On May 8, 2:32 am, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article
> > <[email protected]>,
> > need more sun <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > > Riis was the smart director sportif and got rid of Basso right away.
> > > > It was good to see Discovery do the same as it probably saved the team
> > > > a lot of embarassment. It's difficult to recruit a new sponsor when
> > > > your top rider has a fridge full of blood.

> >
> > > It was good to see Discovery doing the same? Good? They knew all along
> > > Basso was guilty, and the only reason they dropped him (oh, sorry, he
> > > 'resigned') was because they knew what was coming. They don't deserve
> > > a new sponsor. They deserve nothing good to come out of this.

> >
> > > Go back and re-read Bruyneel's holier than thou comments when they
> > > signed Basso. He's a crook and a con man.

> >
> > So what is it with folks who spew their own holier than
> > thou cant as they whoop and gloat over somebody's
> > misfortune? This is not someone running down and
> > killing a cyclist then getting probation. This not
> > crooks on Wall Street and crooks in board rooms
> > outright stealing billions. I prescribe perspective and
> > three fingers of single malt.

> No, it is a directeur sportif who puts his own ambition and greed
> ahead of any efforts to clean up the sport after what happened last
> summer. Cycling is on its knees and yet all JB can think about is his
> pocket and his ego.If you are feeling so defensive of him, go back and
> read some of the quotes and nonsense he came out with around the time
> of signing Basso.
> Forgive me for being annoyed, but I've had enough of these greedy
> ***** who don't give a f*** about the sport. Anyone who loves cycling
> should feel the same. And anyone who defends Bruyneel needs to have a
> long, hard look at themselves.

What are you talking about when you say

> If you are feeling so defensive of him,


> And anyone who defends Bruyneel needs to have a
> long, hard look at themselves.

Complete non-sequiturs.

Once again: your outrage is out of proportion.
You do not read for content. You spit venom.

Michael Press