Big 40 - Present Idea - Please Help


New Member
May 29, 2010
My DH is turning 40 this year and I wanted to do something special for him. Originally I was going to send him and is BFF to the Tour of Missouri - apparently the state of MO has other plans.

My fall back is to send him and his friend to some sort of cycling "tour" for 3-4 days in the US.

1. Are there any other professional races that I am unware of in Q3 or Q4 of 2010 that would be worth the travel for a cycling enthusiast?

2. If not, have you been on a "tour" or multi day "ride" that you can recommend? He is in great shape, is doing his first century ride this year, loves good food, throwing back lots of cocktails, and enjoys the scenery.

3. Any other potential ideas for a cyclist? fyi - we just replaced his bike three years ago with a virtual trainer.

Any help/suggestions that you can provide that would make this birthday pop (and make me look like the greatest wife in the world) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
She said DH, dear husband. The big 40 yeah it is perhaps a landmark birthday. Buying someone something really nice is a good thing so they will feel good about this day. Something sincere and thoughtful is always good. It sounds like she wanted ideas from a bike forum and that was it. I wonder what she got him.