Bike Station and Cat Eye cycle computers

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Over Easter I visited Albury and called in to Full Cycle. If you are in the vicinity they are well
worth a visit as they take cycling seriously. Among the tools, they have a full set of five or six
lightweight spanners in 1mm gradations as well as the usual (surprisingly impractical) multi-tools -
a simple but useful sign of their practical approach. Good range of cycle computers too. Among these
was one called "Bike Station" which displays the four main data items simultaneously (ave speed,
distance, current speed, elapsed time this trip) for only $40.00. I have searched for them on the
WWW, but can't find any reference.

Full Cycle also had a large range of Cat Eye cycle computers, but I have not found a web site that
does a satisfactory job of comparing the different Cat Eye models - that is, does more than merely
lists their features. Any ideas?

Full Cycle have a rudimentary web site, but they are not really set up for sales over the internet;
however, they are happy to do mail order.

Originally posted by Keith
Full Cycle also had a large range of Cat Eye cycle computers, but I have not found a web site that
does a satisfactory job of comparing the different Cat Eye models - that is, does more than merely
lists their features. Any ideas?

Full Cycle have a rudimentary web site, but they are not really set up for sales over the internet;
however, they are happy to do mail order.


Try - reviews of just about everything. I tend to use it before purchasing any parts for my bike.

justin_l_edward ... wrote ...
> Keith wrote:
> > Full Cycle also had a large range of Cat Eye cycle computers, but I have not found a web site
> > that does a satisfactory job of comparing the different Cat Eye models - that is, does more
> > than merely lists their features. Any ideas?
> Try - reviews of just about everything. I tend to use it before purchasing any parts
> for my bike.
> Cheers, J

Nice site, but they didn't have to sort of comparisons I wanted: side-by-side - like the Polar
people do with their heart rate monitors: full and open disclosure so I can make my own choice. haven't heard of the 'Bike Station' computer, either. Pity.
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