Biopace 1890s

Inventors discovered oval chain rings shortly after the safety bicycle
appeared, but you may not have seen oval technology applied to
inch-pitch, shaft drive, double drive, treadle drive, or tandems.


Here's a charming early lady's version with a wavy ring representing
the teeth:

Note the adjustable-height front suspension


The most aggressive oval ever seen:

Look carefully--the oval will trick you into thinking that it's a
three-quarter view of the bicycle from the rear.


Stubby teeth make these oval chain rings look cruder than they were:

Note how seat-stay design hadn't settled down yet.


Who thought that oval shaft drives existed?


You can get the same oval effect by having a round chain ring and a
crank arm that extends and retracts for more or less leverage:


The silly double-chain, oval gears front-and-rear design mentioned in
an earlier thread:

The inventor got lost in dreams of efficiency, but at leasthe
realized that his chains would have slack lower runs during part of
the cycle.


Treadle drive with oval chain ring:

The seat-stays still haven't settled down into their modern position.


Tandem with treadle rear connecting to oval front:,M1

Note the odd front seat-post.


Carl Fogel