Cross over handlebar tape wrapping



Some time ago I stumbled across a site that showed one how to use two
(preferably contrasting) colours of bar tap to wrap one bars in a sort
of cheque design, crossing each tape. I can't find the link now, any clues ?
Response to MSeries:
> Some time ago I stumbled across a site that showed one how to use two
> (preferably contrasting) colours of bar tap to wrap one bars in a sort
> of cheque design, crossing each tape. I can't find the link now, any clues ?

Could be Rivendell's

though ISTR seeing another site with a photo of more pronounced contrast
between the two tapes.

Mark, UK.

On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], "Pray,
Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right
answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of
confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
Mark McNeill wrote:
> Response to MSeries:
>>Some time ago I stumbled across a site that showed one how to use two
>>(preferably contrasting) colours of bar tap to wrap one bars in a sort
>>of cheque design, crossing each tape. I can't find the link now, any clues ?

> Could be Rivendell's
> though ISTR seeing another site with a photo of more pronounced contrast
> between the two tapes.

That was it thanks. I'll publish some pics of mine once I've done it.