cycling links

Marty Wallace wrote:
> "JLB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Marty Wallace wrote:
>>>Well a 15 year old boy in Greenmount, Perth took a risk yesterday. Fell

> of
>>>his bike and died. No cars and no helmet. Just fell off, hit his head

> and

>>Your point is...?
>>Joe * If I cannot be free I'll be cheap

> I was making a statement not a point.
> What's your point?

My point was find out if your post had a point.

Having established that you consider your post was pointless, I have
made my point.

Joe * If I cannot be free I'll be cheap
On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 11:13:57 +0000, "Just zis Guy, you know?"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> A long-dead transport minister in the UK said: road accidents are
> caused in the main not by the taking of large risks but by the taking
> of small risks very large numbers of times.

Excellent news. I shall be sure to take larger risks in future, as that
seems to be safer. Errr...of what did said minister die?

David Martin wrote:
> They might know it was wrong to be an athiest. They certainly won't know if
> it was right.

There's a wonderful epitaph from a gravestone in Thurmont, MD, USA
"Here lies an athiest, all dressed up with no place to go"

I agree with Bob, that it likely helmets would protect on some level.
Where I disagree is the controlling attitude similar to rapist is with
sex. Bob (nor other proponents care about the net effect of any saving
of money, nor lives. All they care about is forcing their will upon
others. This is evidenced by the fact they do NOT agree with helmets
in cars which follows their theory perfectly (saves time and money) and
also by the fact they have the inability to be tolerant and accept
other people's choices. Finally the inability to admit they are wrong.

It's not about money or lives-it's about ego.

Robert Broughton wrote:
> Just zis Guy, you know? wrote:
> >
> > But there is no credible evidence to support the idea that helmets
> > prevent serious head and brain injuries.

> Nonsense. There's all sorts of credible evidence. All you have to do

> spend some time looking for it.
> > These types of injuries are
> > in any case usually caused by types of forces that helmets cannot
> > mitigate, according to current thinking.
> >

> "Current thinking"? Currnet thinking by whom? You?
> --
> Bob Broughton
> Vancouver, BC, Canada
> "Not all carcinogens are known to cause cancer in humans."
> - Todd Benson, mailto:[email protected] , Oct. 24, 2004