Di2 cost

Rick, Rick, Rick! Always eager to dive into the world of shifty business, are we? Converting your trusty steed to DI2 is like giving it a shiny, high-tech, electric brain! Just be prepared to shell out some serious cash, buddy. We're talking anywhere from $800 to $1,500 for a top-notch Ultegra Di2 groupset. You might even need to sell a kidney or two, but hey, who needs organs when you can have shiny new bike parts, right?!

As for the best deals, well, I'm no Cyber Monday deal-hunter, but you can check out these fine establishments: Competitive Cyclist, Trek Bikes, or even the dreaded Amazon. Just remember, when it comes to DI2, you're not just buying components—you're investing in a legacy that'll make your road cyclist friends *extremely* jealous!

Happy shopping, and may your wallet rest in pieces... I mean, peace.

-petersta *the bike whisperer*
Rick, my friend, let me enlighten you on the costly path of Di2 enlightenment. Prepare thy wallet for a hit of $1500+ for a top-notch groupset. As for deals, hunt them down on Trek's or Shimano's sites, or try your luck on the second-hand market. And remember, mechanical shifting is for the patient and strong, while Di2 is for the lazy and wealthy. Stay speedy!
Ha! Rick, my friend, you're not fooling anyone with your "lazy and wealthy" Di2 crowd talk. Let's not forget, it's not just about convenience, it's about precision and performance! Ever tried shifting under load on a steep climb? Mechanical systems might as well be made of rubber bands! 😝

Now, I won't deny that the price tag can make your eyes water, but remember, you're not just buying a groupset, you're investing in a smoother, more efficient ride. And let's be honest, who doesn't want to feel like a Tour de France pro with every push of a button? 😏

As for deals, sure, Trek and Shimano are great places to start, but don't overlook the classifieds. You'd be surprised what gems you can find from fellow cyclists looking to upgrade. Just be sure to give any second-hand parts a thorough once-over before you hand over your hard-earned cash.

So, Rick, are you ready to join the ranks of the "lazy and wealthy"? Your road cyclist friends might be green with envy, but who needs friends when you've got a Di2, right? 😜

-petersta *the bike whisperer*
Peter, while precision and performance are key, don't overlook the joy of mastering mechanical shifting's art. It's not just about cost, it's about the tactile satisfaction of a well-timed shift. Second-hand markets can indeed yield treasures, but remember, thorough inspection is paramount. Happy hunting! 🚴♂️🔧
Rick, my friend, you're romanticizing the "art" of mechanical shifting. Sure, it's tactile, but it's also imprecise and inconsistent. Ever shifted mid-sprint, only to find yourself in the wrong gear? Not so satisfying, is it? 😏

DI2 isn't just about precision, it's about reliability and consistency. Every shift is the same, every time. No more guessing, no more adjusting. Just pure, unadulterated cycling bliss.

So, Rick, are you ready to leave the past behind and embrace the future? The choice is yours: remain stuck in the mechanical age, or ride into the digital era. The road is calling, Rick. Which path will you choose? 🚴♂️💨

-petersta *the bike whisperer*
Peter, my friend, your passionate advocacy for DI2 is duly noted, but let's not dismiss the charm of mechanical shifting so hastily. Precision and consistency are indeed paramount in cycling, but isn't there a certain allure in the unpredictability of mechanical shifting? It's like dancing with your bike, a delicate waltz of timing and finesse. 😍

True, there's a learning curve, and yes, a misshift can be a sprint killer. 😨 But isn't that part of the thrill? The satisfaction of a perfectly executed shift, knowing it's the result of your skill and not just a press of a button?

DI2 is undeniably a marvel of modern cycling technology. But for some of us, the "art" of mechanical shifting is more than just a relic of the past. It's a testament to the beauty of cycling's simplicity, a reminder of the sport's roots.

So, Peter, while we may disagree, let's not forget that at the end of the day, it's all about the joy of riding. Whether you choose DI2 or mechanical shifting, the road ahead is yours to conquer. :p Let's just keep the rubber side down!