Distance Riding


New Member
Jul 29, 2006
I'm thinking of riding to London and from here it is about 200 miles.

My daily ride is only 22 miles and I do it in just less than an hour. I am used to ridng short distances quickly but have never really tackled a long distance. Is it something you can just hop on a bike and do? I haven't the time for a 60 to 100 miles practice run and would rather just jump in at the deep end if its going to happen at all.

I think it will take over 12 hours as I obviously wont average as good a speed as on my short runs.
try 50 miles once and you'll realize why you cant just hop on your bike and do 200.
you have to get your body to adapt to the increase in milage, as gradually as possible.
How many days for the 200 miles?

22 to 200 is too much of a jump, if you are planning to do it in less than 3 days.
Don't bother with this asshat. He is a troll.

Hi Guys,

I'm MrTwig. You might know me from South Park where I used to have a thing with a Mr Garrison. Anyway I was just released from the slammer this morning on bail and I am looking for a good lawyer.

Get this guys I was busted driving home from an underground all-night rave on Thursday and given a drugs test. To my shock and horror I failed! I tried to tell the pigs I had a naturally high level of crack cocaine and ecstasy 'in my organism' but they were having none of it. So anyway guys I'm looking for a lawyer to help me get off. You cycling boys know a thing or two about shooting up dont you so thought you might be able to help?

Markz said:
Don't bother with this asshat. He is a troll.
Whatever Markz. Why do you care about whatever I wrote in another post? Whats wrong with you?

I have done distances of about 50 miles or maybe a little more a few years ago when I was less experienced and not as fit. My short rides are not low intensity and my daily ride feels like it is over before it has started. Maybe I will ride to my grandparents 60 miles away just to see.
MrTwig said:
Whatever Markz. Why do you care about whatever I wrote in another post? Whats wrong with you?

I have done distances of about 50 miles or maybe a little more a few years ago when I was less experienced and not as fit. My short rides are not low intensity and my daily ride feels like it is over before it has started. Maybe I will ride to my grandparents 60 miles away just to see.
Its not that you're not fit enough to do the ride - it's about having your ass in the saddle for hours on end.
You will feel your lower back start to give out
Your neck will be stiff
Your elbows will feel like they're popping out of your arms
Your feet and toes will ache
You will have nothing left in your legs.

And this will all happen after 60-70 miles, even if you eat well during the ride.
wh0areume said:
Its not that you're not fit enough to do the ride - it's about having your ass in the sadle for hours on end.
You will feel your lower back start to give out
Your neck will be stiff
Your elbows will feel like they're popping out of your arms
Your feet and toes will ache
You will have nothing left in your legs.

And this will all happen after 60-70 miles, even if you eat well during the ride.
So you're saying that I will have to do 50 one week then 60? then 70...?
MrTwig said:
So you're saying that I will have to do 50 one week then 60? then 70...?
ya pretty much... just up your weekly miles up each week.

Week 1:
Mon - off
Tue - your usual 20 at moderate pace
Wed - 30mi at a faster pace
Thur - 20 at moderate/slower pace to recover from wed
Fri - off
Sat - 40 mi
Sun - 20 at moderate pace

Week 2:
Mon - off
Tue - your usual 20 at moderate pace
Wed - 35mi at a faster pace
Thur - 20 at moderate/slower pace
Fri - off
Sat - 55 mi
Sun - 20 at moderate pace

Week 3:
Mon - off
Tue - 25 at moderate pace
Wed - 40mi at a faster pace
Thur - 20 at moderate/slower pace
Fri - off
Sat - 65 mi
Sun - 25 at moderate pace

or if you want, you can try stepping your saturday ride up a little more, im not an expert.
Well thanks for that!

2 Days off eh? I normally do 3 days sometimes four then treat myself to a day off :)

The first day is never good. The second day is normally the best with good power and good stamina. The third day is good but you feel a break is due and normally the fourth day is a mistake!

I do sort of intervals. I always go as fast as I feel I can and have certain points where I stop for drinks etc... I know these are not proper intervals but it always keeps my output high.

I also know this isn't the wait to train but I just enjoy it!

I might try a more strucutred weekly ride like you suggest as I have always wondered how much of a difference it can make.
you get stronger/better during your days off while you recover - not during your rides.