Duffers (I know, I missed it)



So, what's the cannonical on why Duffers was relegated to doing the
Telekom broadcasts and not on Eurosport?

Presumably he got the Spanish Archer. Is this permanent or just for
that ride? What's the political AND real reason he's gone.

He does remind me of my Granddad Evans. Only he's been dead 20 years..

Lardychap wrote:
> So, what's the cannonical on why Duffers was relegated to doing the
> Telekom broadcasts and not on Eurosport?
> Presumably he got the Spanish Archer. Is this permanent or just for
> that ride? What's the political AND real reason he's gone.
> He does remind me of my Granddad Evans. Only he's been dead 20 years..

Sorry I never knew your Granddad, but I really missed DD this year.
Mike Smith et al did their best to fulfil his role, but they really
aren't cut out for it. Who but Duffers could keep you rooted to
your seat for three or more hours, desperate to know whether he
really told the Maitre d' that his bifteck-a-l'anglaise was totally
inedible when dining at the Tour d'Argent, and whether he gave in
and paid his bill at the end or whether he insisted they send for
the Gendarmerie ...

I /did/ watch the Tour on Eurosport this year, but without Duffers
it really wasn't the same : just boring old farts riding their
bikes for three weeks at an average speed which exceeds by a factor
of 50% anything I can maintain for more than 30 seconds ...

** Phil.
Philip TAYLOR pibbled:
> Lardychap wrote:
>> So, what's the cannonical on why Duffers was relegated to doing the
>> Telekom broadcasts and not on Eurosport?
>> Presumably he got the Spanish Archer. Is this permanent or just for
>> that ride? What's the political AND real reason he's gone.
>> He does remind me of my Granddad Evans. Only he's been dead 20 years..

> Sorry I never knew your Granddad, but I really missed DD this year.
> Mike Smith et al did their best to fulfil his role, but they really
> aren't cut out for it. Who but Duffers could keep you rooted to
> your seat for three or more hours, desperate to know whether he
> really told the Maitre d' that his bifteck-a-l'anglaise was totally
> inedible when dining at the Tour d'Argent, and whether he gave in
> and paid his bill at the end or whether he insisted they send for
> the Gendarmerie ...
> I /did/ watch the Tour on Eurosport this year, but without Duffers
> it really wasn't the same : just boring old farts riding their
> bikes for three weeks at an average speed which exceeds by a factor
> of 50% anything I can maintain for more than 30 seconds ...
> ** Phil.

As far as I'm concerned, Duffy is /almost/ the most boring commentator on
TV. His stream of conciouness rambling on any subject except the one that
the camera was focussing on left me spitting feathers. He is however
eclipsed by Randy Mamola (yes that is his real name), on Moto GP.

Liggett Rocks.

Despite appearances, it is still legal to put sugar on cornflakes.
Triffid wrote:

> As far as I'm concerned, Duffy is /almost/ the most boring commentator on
> TV. His stream of conciouness rambling on any subject except the one that
> the camera was focussing on left me spitting feathers. He is however
> eclipsed by Randy Mamola (yes that is his real name), on Moto GP.

It's worth comparing Eurosport's coverage of K-1 in English
("Sensei" Will Vanders) and German (no idea). Sensei Will
is out of his seat with excitement ("and he's giving it to
him full-fat style, but Crocop is just soaking up the
punishment and coming back for more"), whilst the German
commentator seems to be viewing a very gentile croquet match
("er scheint, ein kleiner Hurt zu sein") !!!

** Phil.

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