Fat boy needs help

YMCA said:
First - what is "YMMV"

Second- this guy is trying to lose BIG weight. Shouldn't he try eating about 1000-1500 calories less than burned per day? That'd be 2-3 lbs per week and I'd think he'd still be able to keep his energy with plenty of whole foods.
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary, aka what works for me may or may not work for you.

He can surely shoot for the big calorie deficit in the beginning. But it's not going to last. Plateaus and disappointment may very well set in. Motivation drops, etc etc. A lot of people who drop big weight, later put on big weight. By doing it slow & steady, and (IMO) introducing only 1 new life changing element per month, the changes will be much more likely to stick.

Again, YMMV with all of this. But this is my experience, having gone from 280+ to 190.
Drink nothing with calories in it. That mean's cut out any juice, gatoraide, regular pop, alcohol, any sugar or cream in coffee or tea, milk. 100 calories in a glass of orange juice per day is 35000 calories a year or worth about 10 lbs all things being equal. You really shouldn't need calories in a riding drink unless you are going > than 2 hours or at real high intensity. Don't eat bread on the side of any meal. Decrease your portions. No deserts. Don't eat if you are not hungry and ride regularly 4-5 days a week.

A calorie is a calorie is a calorie.
A snickers takes one minute to eat and 30-45 minutes of riding to burn off (unless your really hoofing it).

gimpy_calfee said:
You really shouldn't need calories in a riding drink unless you are going > than 2 hours or at real high intensity.
Maybe not need, but I think the OP should take in calories during any ride. Ideally, you would eat constantly. Bike time is just like any other time. At 300 pounds, he's going to burn like 3000 calories in a 2 hour ride. Probably a good idea to not go into such a hole, lest he come home and slingshot the other way and overeat to compensate.
normZurawski said:
Maybe not need, but I think the OP should take in calories during any ride. Ideally, you would eat constantly. Bike time is just like any other time. At 300 pounds, he's going to burn like 3000 calories in a 2 hour ride. Probably a good idea to not go into such a hole, lest he come home and slingshot the other way and overeat to compensate.
Well, I think you have to be careful on a longer ride, but he will burn more like 1200 calories on a 2 hour long L2 ride. You want him to burn those things off. He has glycogen strored up and unless he is going anaerobic frequently he shouldn't bonk. A lot depends on the difficulty of the 2 hours....