Frivolous Lola

Colin Blackburn wrote:
> Anyone know what the cycling content of Frivolous Lola is?
> I'll probably give it a miss!
> Colin

From the Internet Movie Database under its original title:

"Plot Summary for
Monella (1998)

Lola is engaged to Masetto, but simply will not commit until they sleep
together, because she suspects the only reason he keeps her a virgin is
to ensure that she was faithful to him until the wedding. Constantly
annoyed by Masetto's fits of jealous rage, Lola decides to break up with
him and soon develops an attraction to her mother's pornographer
boyfriend, but she simply can't get over her love for Masetto."

Apparently stars someone called Patrick Mower - now that brings back
memories - Callan, The Sweeney, The Avengers....

Tony Raven wrote:

> From the Internet Movie Database under its original title:
> "Plot Summary for
> Monella (1998)
> Lola is engaged to Masetto, but simply will not commit until they
> sleep together, because she suspects the only reason he keeps her a
> virgin is to ensure that she was faithful to him until the wedding.
> Constantly annoyed by Masetto's fits of jealous rage, Lola decides to
> break up with him and soon develops an attraction to her mother's
> pornographer boyfriend, but she simply can't get over her love for
> Masetto."
> Apparently stars someone called Patrick Mower - now that brings back
> memories - Callan, The Sweeney, The Avengers....



Dave Larrington -
World Domination?
Just find a world that's into that kind of thing, then chain to the
floor and walk up and down on it in high heels. (Mr. Sunshine)
Tony Raven popped their head over the parapet saw what was going on and
> Apparently stars someone called Patrick Mower - now that brings back
> memories - Callan, The Sweeney, The Avengers....

He's in Emmerdale as well (wife told me honest guv).

yours S

Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione
On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 13:56:27 GMT, "soup" <[email protected]> wrote in
message <[email protected]>:

>> Apparently stars someone called Patrick Mower - now that brings back
>> memories - Callan, The Sweeney, The Avengers....

>He's in Emmerdale as well (wife told me honest guv).

And don't forget The Sky At Night.


"then came ye chavves, theyre cartes girded wyth candels
blue, and theyre beastes wyth straynge horn-lyke thyngs
onn theyre arses that theyre fartes be herde from myles
around." Chaucer, the Sheppey Tales
Colin Blackburn wondered:
> Anyone know what the cycling content of Frivolous Lola is?

Google is your friend.

From <URL:>:
"When the movie begins, we see Lola riding her bicycle as her skirt
flutters in the wind, revealing her shapely behind. Trust me, it’s a
painfully sexy sight. As one old man says as he eyeballs Lola’s
posterior, “Life is so short, but an ass gives it meaning.”"

From <URL:>:
"The film opens over a bizarre musical credit sequence as Lola rides
around a 1950s Italian town square setting on her bike, skirt tucked
into her knickers and showing her curvy butt to all and sundry,
including the gang of horny adolescents chasing after her and the
director mugging it up for the camera as the band leader, while the
women of the village tut-tut and wag their fingers and every other male
drools and grins as if totally smitten with her charms.

"We then see her flashing a cyclist and a pair of junior priests. She
rides into the village and dismounts in a marvellous up skirt shot that
has the priests gulping with uncontained lust. She enters a local bakery
and the two priests lose all control whilst sniffing her bicycle seat..."

And from <URL:>:
"LOLA is the tale of a carefree young woman who really, really enjoys
riding around town on her bicycle, in a short skirt, and showing off her
assets to everyone. That's pretty much about it..."

Danny Colyer (the UK company has been laughed out of my reply address)
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

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