Heal Pain

Paul J

New Member
Apr 10, 2003
I have been using a pair of shoes now for about four months and only in the last week, pain has become evident in back of my heal. It occurs at the top of the heal bone and is a very sharp continuous pain with pedaling. It is not due to poor cleat placement and the size of the shoe is correct. Once I get off the bike and take off the shoes the pain goes away apart from a slight ache throughout the day.

I am wondering if it could be the shoe itself being just a poor design and not providing enough support or poor materials of construction. I have just taken my old shoes out for a spin around the block and the pain isn't evident. They have the same cleat/pedal system and both the same size. They are different brands and look substantially different in construction quality (the old ones are better built) despite the age difference. If this is the case why has it taken four months and over 2000 km for this to present itself.