Help me smash through this plateau!


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Long story short - I went from 250 lbs to 188. I went from getting dropped during my group rides to completing them (20-21mph avg) with energy to spare. I've also turned into a pretty respectable climber.

So what is my problem?

I can't seem to lose any more weight. I've been hanging out between 188 and 192 lbs since June. I should say that I lost a majority of my weight between last september and may. This year, I've been riding pretty hard. Group rides are going well, I've kicked up my mtb'ing a couple of notches, and even get out to play basketball a few times a week. All of this activity keeps me hungry all of the darn time. I eat pretty well, my staples are oatmeal, black beans, and more oatmeal and beans :D . I avoid sugar and processed foods. Figure the changes I made in my eating habits were good enough for me to lose 60 lbs. I'd like to lose another 15-20 if at all possible.

And there's the problem-I'm having a terrific year of riding, feel great on the bike, but just can't seem to lose any more weight. I'm fortunate to have made the progress I did but this long plateau is just outright frustrating. I feel like the best I can do is maintain my weight and keep making progress on the bike, such as speed and climbing ability.

Interestingly enough, my weight seems to drop when I'm off the bike for an extended period. I missed nearly all of July and part of August due to knee pain and my weight dipped down a bit. Remember, I also lost most of my weight during the offseason, when I wasn't riding so much.

Anyone else run into this? Do I need to kick my eating habits up a notch? Since I'm hungry all the time, sometimes I feel like I'm not eating enough considering my activity levels.
I flattened in the mid-180's myself, then again around 172-175. Getting to the 172-175 was all about riding more. Getting from 172 down to my current 165 goal weight was all about counting ALL the calories ALL the time. It also takes that much effort for me to stay at that weight.
neilkod said:
I can't seem to lose any more weight. I've been hanging out between 188 and 192 lbs since June. I should say that I lost a majority of my weight between last september and may. This year, I've been riding pretty hard.

Anyone else run into this? Do I need to kick my eating habits up a notch? Since I'm hungry all the time, sometimes I feel like I'm not eating enough considering my activity levels.
I hit a plateau after dropping from 220+ to about 185-190 lbs. I stayed there about 8 months. I was still riding about 100 or so miles per week, but not losing any more weight. Then in early August, I started paying attention to the amount I was eating using, and I'm down around 170 lbs and still dropping. I have to pay attention to the calories I take in, and always make sure I burn a good bit more than I take in. Once I saw how bad some of my eating habits were, it was much easier to cut back a bit.

I still have some weeks where I gain, but since I'm weighing just about every morning and still counting calories, I can catch it early and cut back. I've notice I always gain weight for a few days after a longer ride, as my body seems to want to rehydrate or something.
kk4df said:
I hit a plateau after dropping from 220+ to about 185-190 lbs. I stayed there about 8 months. I was still riding about 100 or so miles per week, but not losing any more weight. Then in early August, I started paying attention to the amount I was eating using, and I'm down around 170 lbs and still dropping. I have to pay attention to the calories I take in, and always make sure I burn a good bit more than I take in. Once I saw how bad some of my eating habits were, it was much easier to cut back a bit.

I still have some weeks where I gain, but since I'm weighing just about every morning and still counting calories, I can catch it early and cut back. I've notice I always gain weight for a few days after a longer ride, as my body seems to want to rehydrate or something.
I'm there with you. I have lost 122 pounds so far, just off a two month plateau. And it is true - you have to count, write down and get crazy about your food. Here is what my trainer has put out for me - you'll have to adjust it for you, but I've lost 4 pounds this month with this system and I'd been losing NOTHING for 9 weeks - almost pulled my hair out.

FIRST - you need a day off every week and on that day you eat your "baseline" amount. For me - my BMR is 1450. I can safely eat 950 calories (500 cal deficit) without triggering starvation mode. Now just for convenience, I chose 1000. So on off days, I only eat 1000 calories. I don't like those days, but I do it. Every other day, I wear my heart monitor during exercise. Recovery days I'll burn 350 or so and add that number to my 1000. On long ride days I might burn 1400-1700 and have to add that. So on any given day, I eat 1000 plus what I've burned training. The day after I eat 1000 calories, I could need 2700. It is crazy but works. Also - I drink 4 liters of water a day and don't eat or drink after 7 or 8 at night. Have to maximize rest too - can't lose weight if you don't rest.

On a regular training day (Not the long ride day) I make sure I eat about 30% of my calories from fat, 30% from protein and 40% from carbs. On a heavy training day I do 25, 25 and 50. Yes - it is A LOT to keep track of, but it works.

Does that help?? Good luck!!