Help Needed!


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
Hello everyone. I need some help from fellow cycling enthusiasts. I do a lot of riding in Mason Neck State Park, near my home in Lorton, Virginia. Unfortunately, about a month ago, the park manager, Mr. Jess Lowry, decided to attempt to slow traffic by installing several sections of rumble strips across the ENTIRE width of the park road - that's right, no bike lanes! A well-intentioned project for sure, but lacking in foresight for us cyclists.

I have emailed with Mr. Lowry on several occasions and suggested a simple paving project could install bike lanes on the outer edges of the strips,but it seems I am getting the usual response - 'we'll have to see how much it costs', etc. If you could please take a few minutes to contact Mr. Lowry by email ([email protected]) and request that he do the right thing and give cyclists back our beautiful park. Thanks... and ride on!