How do you get skidmarks off a bike seat?

the messenjah wrote:

> Aratzio wrote:
>>On 30 Dec 2005 06:48:47 -0800, "the messenjah"
>><[email protected]> transparently proposed:
>>>Aratzio wrote:
>>>>On 29 Dec 2005 08:09:15 -0800, "the guy on the bike"
>>>><[email protected]> transparently proposed:
>>>>>JD wrote:
>>>>>>In response to the subject line:
>>>>>>That's easy since chuck is obviously a skidmark on the chonies of life.
>>>>>> Just knock the skinny little creep off of his Huffy and voila, the
>>>>>>skidmark is gone from the saddle.
>>>>>Why not come to Jacksonville and try to knock me off my bike, *****-boy?
>>>>I am too poor to be able to travel outside of Jacksonville.
>>>Translation: Too busy to care...

>>No car.

> So? Think of the money I save on gas.

Gotta pay for the ol' Sterno /somehow/, yup.
Got funny looks when you asked for that "gov'mint /pink/ cheese"
at to Welfare, yup.

If a pome falls in the middle of a library and
the Bishop can't read it, does it still say, "Iamb"?
the guy on the bike wrote:

> ggamble wrote:
>>On 30 Dec 2005 07:53:12 -0800, "the messenjah"
>><[email protected]> wrote:
>>>So? Think of the money I save on gas.

>>Hauling your little plastic bags full of Chef Boyardee onto the smelly
>>Spending your xmas bonus on a bus pass.
>>Losing a days pay when your brake cable snaps.
>>Cruising Bianca looking for inspiration for a new fantasy girlfriend
>>Editing your blaaaaargh to make it not look like you're pining away
>>for Anna II.

> Get some help, Gary. There's still time...

Get a new brake cable before that company phone rings, or your oval
wheels will get all square.

If a pome falls in the middle of a library and
the Bishop can't read it, does it still say, "Iamb"?
the guy on the bike wrote:

> Sorni wrote:
>>Chuck Lysaght wrote:
>>>I do a lot of riding and sometimes I get a little itchy down
>>>there...well you know what I mean. It's starting to leave a mark and a
>>>bad scent. What kind of cleaning agent would you use for that problem?

>>Find out what Brock Baily uses on his /giant sweaty balls/ and try that.

> Chuck Lysaght didn't actually initiate this post. I know. I'm Chuck
> Lysaght heh...

"Chuck Lysaght Heh" is a formerly-14-year-old (in FL, "saleable")
bull dyke with a Thing for prepubescent girls and a somewhat vicious
envy of old men with good legs (they run faster'n she does. Both ways).
"He'd" like to "make them scream," but "he" has no ****, hence
"his" obsession with the same and the love/hate dichotomy toward old
men with three good legs (whether her screams are real or merely
professional, as the professional screams are /more/ demeaning).
"He" is less street-wise than that the street's all "he's" got --
well, part of a corner of one.
As a formerly-14-year-old girl, "he" is able to poast from the
Children's Annex of the JPL without so far arousing much suspicion,
but "his" jealousy of the truly prepubescent increases as "his" own
sale price decreases with each wrinkle.
See "his" blog for "his" jejune use of Big People's Noises, esp.
"Men's Noises." ("He" tried quite some time ago to steal the
identity of one of several "Chuck Lysaghts" in the area, this a 101st
AB vet, but couldn't manage any of the requisite Men's Noises /or/
resolve fundamental anomalies in their calendars.)
The "anticipation of Power," i.e., of the wrinkles of old men with
good legs, by presumption of their identity by the case, is typical.

If a pome falls in the middle of a library and
the Bishop can't read it, does it still say, "Iamb"?
On 30 Dec 2005 07:34:14 -0800, the messenjah
<[email protected]> wrote in alt.usenet.kooks:

> Read and learn ball bearing boy... I'm not in China.

But Chuck Lysaght is, messenjah.

PJR :)
alt.hackers.malicious Wittiest Troll of the Year, 2003, 2004, 2005

alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQ:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 16:31:18 -0800, A. Jinn <[email protected]> wrote in

> "A. Jinn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Peter J Ross" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> You aren't welcome, kook.

> Is that ever true.
> I guess I outdid myself on that one.
> Such truth, so boldly confessed is rarely seen
> in this cowardly world of liars and kooks like peewee.
> A moment of Catholic prayer...
> Hose-Anna in the highest...
> We love you lord Dockery, and pray that in your infinite
> pizza you will save a slice for us poor Usenet poets striving
> to be free of the tyranny of liars and kooks like peewee.
> We pray that you will cut off their penises and attach
> them permanently to their noses.
> Just liars kooks like peewee, lord. Leave Vera
> as charming as she always was.
> In the name of the the only false-God!
> Amen

Don't tell me, let me guess. Er, is it meant to be some kind of poem?

PJR :)
alt.hackers.malicious Wittiest Troll of the Year, 2003, 2004, 2005

alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQ:
[email protected] wrote:

> You, who torture for London....
> GITMO for less, GITMO for less, GITMO for less.
> GITMO for less, GITMO for less, GITMO for less.

We know.

If a pome falls in the middle of a library and
the Bishop can't read it, does it still say, "Iamb"?
Little Mousy Psycho Tom Bishop squeaked:

> | You think this is funny? |

(^/ \^)
( @ @ )

Yes. Your perpetual meltdown is hilarious.
