I may be a sucker, but ... these looked neat, I ordered a set

I'm sensing a diagnosis of Gizmo Addiction Syndrome...Acronym "GAS" in the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Those look perfectly sane for folks that ride at night.
You could just add reflective tape or decals to the rims.

I have a set of touring tires with reflective sidewalls, they are very effective.
Quote by MBB:
"Well, addiction to bike bling is harmless anyway."

Pssst! Hey kid...you wanna buy some Campy? Here...lemee give you this here first quick release lever for free!
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Pssst! Hey kid...you wanna buy some Campy? Here...lemee give you this here first quick release lever for free!
They do look neat! But do they work as effectively as, say, my 2 x 900 lumen CREE LED dual headlight setup? How far out in front of you (straight ahead; not toward the ground) are you able to see? I couldn't see any photos of a front-on view. Nor any pix from a rider's point of view that shows how much -- both angle- and distance-wise -- of the road and horizon is lit up. That's pretty much the standard way most lights are evaluated. It'd be awesome if you could show us something like that. I'd consider buying a set of these myself if you (as opposed to something produced by revolight's marketing guy) could show me a video like the one below showing the revolight casting as much light and an equivalent beam pattern -- from the rider's point of view -- as a standard headlight costing around the same $229 . [VIDEO]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ai7CJAgNQt0#t=321[/VIDEO] In the absence of something like that, it's just a neat $229 conversation piece in my opinion.
Well Sherlock, the revolights are about being seen with a flash of bling - not being able to see down the road.

I think that is pretty obvious from their website.
Agreed. Revo is for OTHER folks (read: those sitting in 2 and 3-ton vehicles) to look at and be aware of. And they do look pretty cool. They probably attract more attention than standard headlight beams.

Nothing is going to top 1800 Lumens of Cree for illuminating the riding path of travel...unless it's 2700 Lumens of Cree.
I'm still going to have my Phillips lights to illuminate my path: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00620Z97G These appealed to me because they make the bike really visible to drivers. And the bling factor.
The look pretty neat, and it looks to me that they are about being seen rather than providing a driving light.
There are also spokepov units that make pictures if you're going fast enough, but I do like this concept.
It's not immediately clear how they handle balance issues.
Originally Posted by dbvanhorn
It's not immediately clear how they handle balance issues.
At 229 $ and advertised in Ted-x (which is totally not a cult, totally
), it's very clear how the handle their "Bank account balance issues".

You can probably build some of these for around 30 $ with stuff from Maplin:


I am sure they are using more powerful emitters, they do cast some light on the road up close. Basically an accelerometer to sense orientation, and light white on the way up and red on the way down, a microcontroller to figure that out, mosfets to switch the leds, add a li-poly battery and charging electronics. The more interesting problem is sealing it all up, making it light weight, and not too sensitive to the inevitable bashes and bangs of living on the rim.