It all happens so quickly

TimC wrote:
> On 2006-04-06, Tamyka Bell (aka Bruce)
> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> > there) and if I die on the road, hell, at least I didn't die in a cage.
> > (And it's nice to know that half the newsgroup will determine it was
> > probably all my fault, but I'll have it specified that if I cark it, you
> > pricks can't come to the funeral anyway.)

> What about those of us who would automatically blame the driver?

You can come along, then, TimC, especially if you bring beer. You could
meet my friend TimV, he drinks Coopers with me normally, and would need
a drinking buddy.

> I like Japan. I wonder if there's any conferences coming up there?

If there is, let me know, and I'll make a physics comeback.

On 2006-04-06, Tamyka Bell (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> TimC wrote:
>> On 2006-04-06, Tamyka Bell (aka Bruce)
>> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> > there) and if I die on the road, hell, at least I didn't die in a cage.
>> > (And it's nice to know that half the newsgroup will determine it was
>> > probably all my fault, but I'll have it specified that if I cark it, you
>> > pricks can't come to the funeral anyway.)

>> What about those of us who would automatically blame the driver?

> You can come along, then, TimC, especially if you bring beer. You could
> meet my friend TimV, he drinks Coopers with me normally, and would need
> a drinking buddy.

I was just about to seed my sigfile with something appropriate, but
siggy beat me to it.

Being a Tim and liking coopers means instant approval.

He was the best of Tims, he was the worst of Tims.
-- Teh [tie:poe] on RHOD
vaudegiant wrote:
> I know it sounds callous of me but you think that a car driver should
> leave
> enough room for a rider to fall down and skid along the road?
> Yes!
> During my driver training when I was working for the ambulance
> service, we were instructed to pass cyclists with enough width so as to
> not strike them if they fell over towrds the centre of the road.
> This is not something the driver would expect
> Why not? Shouldn't all road users expect the unexpected? It's called
> defensive driving (and riding).

And expecting them (drivers) to actually *do* that? As we (cyclists)
are the ones likely to be hurt more in a collision, it benefits us to
expect **** to happen moreso that it does the driver of a car/truck/bus
etc (yeah yeah, I know the stats etc, and cars aren't that safe, but
they *feel* safe, which is why car drivers drive like .. car drivers!)

It's not about what they should do, it's about what they *do* do. Do
doo bee doo ...
Bleve wrote:
> vaudegiant wrote:
> > I know it sounds callous of me but you think that a car driver should
> > leave
> > enough room for a rider to fall down and skid along the road?
> >
> > Yes!
> > During my driver training when I was working for the ambulance
> > service, we were instructed to pass cyclists with enough width so as to
> > not strike them if they fell over towrds the centre of the road.
> >
> > This is not something the driver would expect
> >
> > Why not? Shouldn't all road users expect the unexpected? It's called
> > defensive driving (and riding).

> And expecting them (drivers) to actually *do* that? As we (cyclists)
> are the ones likely to be hurt more in a collision, it benefits us to
> expect **** to happen moreso that it does the driver of a car/truck/bus
> etc (yeah yeah, I know the stats etc, and cars aren't that safe, but
> they *feel* safe, which is why car drivers drive like .. car drivers!)
> It's not about what they should do, it's about what they *do* do. Do
> doo bee doo ...

Are you dancing as well? Is that song on your iPod?

Tamyka Bell wrote:
> > Do doo bee doo ...

> Are you dancing as well? Is that song on your iPod?

I perfer the term "convulse", and it's an iRiver, not an iPod :)
Bleve said:
vaudegiant wrote:
> I know it sounds callous of me but you think that a car driver should
> leave
> enough room for a rider to fall down and skid along the road?
> Yes!
> During my driver training when I was working for the ambulance
> service, we were instructed to pass cyclists with enough width so as to
> not strike them if they fell over towrds the centre of the road.
> This is not something the driver would expect
> Why not? Shouldn't all road users expect the unexpected? It's called
> defensive driving (and riding).

And expecting them (drivers) to actually *do* that? As we (cyclists)
are the ones likely to be hurt more in a collision, it benefits us to
expect **** to happen moreso that it does the driver of a car/truck/bus
etc (yeah yeah, I know the stats etc, and cars aren't that safe, but
they *feel* safe, which is why car drivers drive like .. car drivers!)

It's not about what they should do, it's about what they *do* do. Do
doo bee doo ...

I agree the issue is about what they "do" do, as opposed to what they "should" do, but drivers will drive like they do as long as we excuse their behaviour. If the law and society got a little more serious about driver behaviour, training and education, then the gap between "do" and "should" may become a little narrower.

vaudegiant wrote:

> I agree the issue is about what they "do" do, as opposed to what they
> "should" do, but drivers will drive like they do as long as we excuse
> their behaviour. If the law and society got a little more serious about
> driver behaviour, training and education, then the gap between "do" and
> "should" may become a little narrower.

Don't confuse "condone" with "expect" please. I am not suggesting that
illegal and/or dangerous driver behaviour be condoned, I'm discussing
how to stay safe on a bike. The two, while related, are *not* the same
Bleve wrote :
> and it's an iRiver, not an iPod

Heh, iRiver owners are almost always very adamant about clarifying
this, usually quickly following it up with a list of reasons why the
iRiver is technically better.

iRivers are like the recumbent bike of the personal audio world :)

Damian (who owns an iRiver)