

New Member
Jul 30, 2010
I bought my first road bike about 3 weeks ago... It is a Jamis Ventura Comp.I added carbon pedals and shoes any feedback? It was the right price and I head it was a great bike to start on ... I am pleased with it so far. I ride about 126 miles a week. No problems yet...
n00b2theRoad said:
I bought my first road bike about 3 weeks ago... It is a Jamis Ventura Comp.I added carbon pedals and shoes any feedback? It was the right price and I head it was a great bike to start on ... I am pleased with it so far. I ride about 126 miles a week. No problems yet...

Carbon pedals? Which ones were those?

What kind of feedback are you looking for and on what topic?
any feedback at all as to if it a good starter bike. I just meant that the pedals are carbon fiber. I am not sure of the brand I got them at Performance cycles along with shoes and cleats.
It's a fine first bike. The most important things are that it, hopefully, fits you properly and that you like it.
it fits very well I was fitted for it and I am very happy with it just wanted to make sure I did not buy junk....Just trying to get my ass used to the saddle it gets a little sore after about 20 miles lol....
n00b2theRoad said:
it fits very well I was fitted for it and I am very happy with it just wanted to make sure I did not buy junk....Just trying to get my ass used to the saddle it gets a little sore after about 20 miles lol....

After an initial ass hardening process you shouldn't get sore otherwise the saddle is the wrong shape or width.
dont worry, you did not buy junk. I have a jamis ventura comp, the one with carbon seat stays, it also came with carbon cranks. I think its a very good roadbike, good balance between comfort and performance and price. It is more comfortable than most bikes ive tried.

For comparison i have a giant team once road bike, the same one the team once uses in the tour de france more than 10 years ago, i bought just the frame and buitlt up with cheap parts.

The giant team once is a very responsive fast bike. The Jamis is more comfortable but is noticeably slower especially when standing on the pedals during sprinting. I wouldnt say the jamis is slow, the giant is just faster.

Our roads here are not so smooth so I actually ride the jamis more because it is more comfortable.
biker jk said:
After an initial ass hardening process you shouldn't get sore otherwise the saddle is the wrong shape or width.

old school brits have the phrase "getting your saddle"
rather than "ass hardening"
nicer ring to it, don't you think?
If you already bought the bike then why are you now concerned if it's a good starter bike? Of course it's a good starter bike, just as there are plenty of others that make good starter bikes. As one poster said, it's not a piece of junk, like you could have bought at Wally World. Nor is it the best bike in world, it's as you wanted, a good starter bike.
n00b2theRoad said:
it fits very well I was fitted for it and I am very happy with it just wanted to make sure I did not buy junk....Just trying to get my ass used to the saddle it gets a little sore after about 20 miles lol....

The main thing is that you are very happy with it and it fits you properly. :cool:

It does take a while to get your "seat bones" toughened up and some riding shorts with good padding are a great investment if you don't already have some. Even after your rear end gets tougher, good shorts or bibs will definitely improve your riding experience.

Have fun!