Jim McNamara Sucks Down My Big Wad sweatshirt for $49.95


Clem Lombardo

Jim McNamara Sucks Down My Big Wad sweatshirt for $49.95

For $49.95 you can purchase this all new Jimmy Mac sweatshirt.
The front of the sweatshirt says
"Jim McNamara Sucks Down My Big Wad"

The back of the sweatshirt says
"Don't forget your meds Jimmy Mac you feeble minded criminal Nitwit"

There is a limited run on this sweatshirt and supplies are limited. You can
be the first one on the bike path to wear this impressive sweatshirt. This
is a big conversation piece guaranteed to get a lot of laughs.

Order your Jim McNamara Sucks Down My Big Wad sweatshirt today.

Clem Lombardo
Forestglen Press
JNC Enterprises web Superstore

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Ed - Clem Lombardo - Gin,

Wad? I din't know girls could produce wads. Meds? Don't need 'em,
and don't take any. You on the other hand might consider the prospect
seriously because you are a certifiable lunatic in need of help. Ed,
now that you have ventured forth from the closet, though comfortably
clad in the cowardly rags of a legion of pseudonyms, spewing heinous,
vituperative prevarications and vulgarities, revealing yourself for the
demented wretch that you are, do you really expect to be venerated by
the readership? Are you such a fool as to expect to ever again be held
in high regard? Your own big mouth has summarily undermined your own
thinly veiled, plastic facade and I for one stand and enthusiastically
cheer ... applauding your determined efforts of self-destruction.
Bravo Ed!!! Well, I suppose it's time for you to dream up yet another
one of your vulgar t-shirts to sell on your non-existent web store.
Haven't you got anything better to do with your time? You are one
pitiful, sorry-assed, ****-poor excuse for a human being. Heed Ed
Dolan's advice. Shrivel up and die. The world would be a far better
place without the likes of you in it.

P.S. Everyone take note that Ed did not address let alone deny my
accusations in the "Ed Caught in the Act Video". Why? Because unlike
Ed, I can prove what I claim and Ed knows it, whereas he cannot and he
knows that too.