Ksyrium Equipe- tightening the hubs?


New Member
May 26, 2005
I flew this question in the roadbikereview.com site, but no answers as of yet:

The front wheel of my new Spec. Roubaix has a good amount of lateral play in it, as if the hub were loose. Now I know that the higher-level Ksyriums have special tools that resemble pin spanners to adjust the "cones". Well, I examined my wheels and it appears to have the standard "cones" that screw down on the axle with the outside locknuts that come down on top of the cones.

But when I tried to screw down the locknuts, they won't move (as if they're fixed to the axle. The cones, however, can be turned a few rotations either to fit snugly against the bearings (by tightening it), or to fit snugly against the "fixed" locknut (by loosening it).

I searched this website as well as the Mavic website. I can't find any answers to this problem. Anyone have any insight? Thanks!

I cant answer it myself but I guess the best thing for you to do is bring it over to your lbs and ask them how to. I'm sure its a no-charge advise on their part. Good luck.