Lance Armstrong will be on Larry King, CNN

To be broadcast at 01.00 GMT (02.00 Summer time) on Fri 26th Aug,
that´ll be 9pm Thursday Eastern USA time and I think they will repeat
it later. I find myself cringing when I watch Larry King sometimes, I
really don´t know why he earns so much as I do not believe he is a
good interviewer. But some of the crime stories followed are very
entertaining, let´s see what they make of Lance´s "crime". Cheers, Ed
in Spain.
Is it true that Armstrong wrote in his book about doctors giving him
EPO in his chemotherapy treatment? Did he really say that it kept him
> Is it true that Armstrong wrote in his book about doctors giving him
> EPO in his chemotherapy treatment? Did he really say that it kept him
> alive?

EPO is very commonly given to cancer patients, as it increases the
oxygen-carrying content of their blood (which is being reduced by the high
volume of white blood cells, if I'm remembering correctly). You've probably
even seen the ads for ProCrit (interesting name?) on television.

--Mike-- Chain Reaction Bicycles
[email protected] wrote:
> Is it true that Armstrong wrote in his book about doctors giving him
> EPO in his chemotherapy treatment? Did he really say that it kept him
> alive?

Yes and yes. If you don't believe me, check the book out of the library
and read it yourself like I did.
Chemotheropy injects very powerful poisons into the body. These cause
massive cell death in the blood. Previous to EPO a fairly large
percentage of patients simply died because they were even too weak to
eat. EPO is now a standard part of the treatment.

This works SO well that a lady whom I know went through Chemo and was
riding metric centuries the whole time. She wasn't strong, mind you,
but she was doing it.

The effects of EPO last for about 6-8 weeks at the most.

Also remember that it has been shown that some athletes' bodies make a
chemical that tests as rhEPO when they are stressed.
"Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de news:
[email protected]...
> Chemotheropy injects very powerful poisons into the body. These cause
> massive cell death in the blood. Previous to EPO a fairly large
> percentage of patients simply died because they were even too weak to
> eat. EPO is now a standard part of the treatment.
> This works SO well that a lady whom I know went through Chemo and was
> riding metric centuries the whole time. She wasn't strong, mind you,
> but she was doing it.
> The effects of EPO last for about 6-8 weeks at the most.
> Also remember that it has been shown that some athletes' bodies make a
> chemical that tests as rhEPO when they are stressed.

Same for renal disease. While on dialysis I started taking EPO. I went from
being on sick leave and sleeping 16 hours a day, to working fill time and
commuting on my bike 20+ miles each way and playing full court basketball,
raquetball, ultimate frisbee, etc.

The only drug I've ever taken (and I've taken a lot) where I've noticed NO
side effects. Praise be to Amgen!
[email protected] wrote:
> Is it true that Armstrong wrote in his book about doctors giving him
> EPO in his chemotherapy treatment? Did he really say that it kept him
> alive?

I believe he mentioned very briefly that he was administerd EPO for
chemo-induced anemia. But it (the EPO) is not what saved his life.

He related an anecdote of one of his first rides during treatment, and
being dropped by a middle adged woman on a 3-speed, and collapsing in
someones yard due to the anemia.
Mike Jacoubowsky wrote:
> > Is it true that Armstrong wrote in his book about doctors giving him
> > EPO in his chemotherapy treatment? Did he really say that it kept him
> > alive?

> EPO is very commonly given to cancer patients, as it increases the
> oxygen-carrying content of their blood (which is being reduced by the high
> volume of white blood cells, if I'm remembering correctly). You've probably
> even seen the ads for ProCrit (interesting name?) on television.

Chemo kills cells that rapidly divide, because tumor cells rapidly
divide. Red cell precursors rapidly divide. The skin cells inside
your mouth all the way down your throat, past your stomach, to your
anus are rapidly dividing. EPO at least helps the red cell count to
bounce back between rounds of chemo.
I have a friend who might have Cancer. It is good to know that EPO has
helped alot of patients. I will let him know about it. I'm glad i
learned something today.

gym.gravity wrote:
> Mike Jacoubowsky wrote:
> > > Is it true that Armstrong wrote in his book about doctors giving him
> > > EPO in his chemotherapy treatment? Did he really say that it kept him
> > > alive?

> >
> > EPO is very commonly given to cancer patients, as it increases the
> > oxygen-carrying content of their blood (which is being reduced by the high
> > volume of white blood cells, if I'm remembering correctly). You've probably
> > even seen the ads for ProCrit (interesting name?) on television.
> >

> Chemo kills cells that rapidly divide, because tumor cells rapidly
> divide. Red cell precursors rapidly divide. The skin cells inside
> your mouth all the way down your throat, past your stomach, to your
> anus are rapidly dividing. EPO at least helps the red cell count to
> bounce back between rounds of chemo.
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
>I have a friend who might have Cancer. It is good to know that EPO has
>helped alot of patients. I will let him know about it. I'm glad i
>learned something today.

One would hope that his/her doctor would know about EPO since it have been
around for some time.