***** Lefevre / its all about the money


New Member
May 12, 2005
Its reported today he tried to get Armstrong for Quick Step as the sponsors were prepared to pay anything.

Wasnt Lefevre the most vocal anti-doper when Puerto broke? Wasnt he all about turning a new page in cycling. Anyone under suspicion has to be rooted out, and all that.

Why does nothing stick to Lefevre? Teflon?
wicklow200 said:
Its reported today he tried to get Armstrong for Quick Step as the sponsors were prepared to pay anything.

Wasnt Lefevre the most vocal anti-doper when Puerto broke? Wasnt he all about turning a new page in cycling. Anyone under suspicion has to be rooted out, and all that.

Why does nothing stick to Lefevre? Teflon?
My take on LeFevre...

DS for Mapei. Georgio Squinzi decides that he is sick of his riders winning six hour races and looking like they barely broke a sweat. Sick of his riders being doped to the gills. So, Squinzi decides that the team has to be clean. A week later, LeFevre announces that he is retiring at the end of the season. Three weeks later, during July, LeFevre retires. Can't wait for the end of the season. One month later, LeFevre announces plans to form Domo. Short retirement. LeFevre then hires the entire Belgium contingent of Mapei including Johan "Cow Blood" Museauw. For the next eight years, during the heigth of the EPO fueled peleton, LeFevre's team rides at the front of every freakin race, seemingly for the entire freakin race, only to have his riders finish one-two-three looking like they barely broke a sweat.

He must be a ****** good DS.
wicklow200 said:
Its reported today he tried to get Armstrong for Quick Step as the sponsors were prepared to pay anything.

Wasnt Lefevre the most vocal anti-doper when Puerto broke? Wasnt he all about turning a new page in cycling. Anyone under suspicion has to be rooted out, and all that.

Why does nothing stick to Lefevre? Teflon?

Wick : you're 100% right.
Lefevere was very vocal when Puerto broke.
He ranted on about how he wanted a clean sport.
limerickman said:
Wick : you're 100% right.
Lefevere was very vocal when Puerto broke.
He ranted on about how he wanted a clean sport.
He also said he would vomit when Landis got stung....... he never did that. I want to see his vomit !
The tragedy is losing sponsors like Squinzi, who was seriously in love with the sport, in it for the long term, willing and able to spend the cash to set up a serious/professional team.
Powerful Pete said:
The tragedy is losing sponsors like Squinzi, who was seriously in love with the sport, in it for the long term, willing and able to spend the cash to set up a serious/professional team.
I think Squinzi is still in the sport. Maybe at the amatuer level?
Frigo's Luggage said:
I think Squinzi is still in the sport. Maybe at the amatuer level?
Mapei sponsor a number of espoir teams. Most of it I believe is via their training centre, they offer the sports science program for free, a contra type sponsorship. This is a German team, the SA AIS, and maybe a few other teams.

Not sure if they still sponsor the MTB team.
Yes, they still sponsor a number of amateur teams and the MTBs. Also they were a huge sponsor of this WC in Varese.