Motor pace on public highway


New Member
Apr 5, 2004
I am injured and was thinking of towing a few of the bunch behind my vespa for a bit of a change.

Does anyone know if this is legal in Victoria ? illegal ? cops turn a blind eye ?

Definitely illegal. Drafting a vehicle for more than 200m, and holding on to a moving vehicle.
I have a friend with a Honda 125cc "Postie Bike", he goes behind his son with the hazzard lights on!! The son rides a racing trike. :cool:
shorty said:
I am injured and was thinking of towing a few of the bunch behind my vespa for a bit of a change.

Does anyone know if this is legal in Victoria ? illegal ? cops turn a blind eye ?

I have noticed this a few times on the Beach rd mid week, on each occasion the single rider was following closely behind the scooter at a 40-50kph pace. Like the peleton ride when there is no group to follow, expect it gets the legs trained to the race pace, is it legal- no idea.
jur said:
Definitely illegal. Drafting a vehicle for more than 200m, and holding on to a moving vehicle.
Drafting a vehicle for more than 200m??!

Isnt a bicycle classed as a vehicle when it comes to road rules? Therefore any peleton/pack of bikes on an open road that continues for more than 200m is illegal? Or am I misinterpreting what you are trying to say?

a5hi5m said:
Drafting a vehicle for more than 200m??!

Isnt a bicycle classed as a vehicle when it comes to road rules? Therefore any peleton/pack of bikes on an open road that continues for more than 200m is illegal? Or am I misinterpreting what you are trying to say?

yeah yeah .. bad form to reply to my own post.. In vic it does state motor vehicle..

definately illegal BUT its a hell of a way to get some speed in the legs and aches in the lungs. beach rd is a fav early mornings ie 6am. postie bikes rock!!!