My first go at rollers


New Member
Mar 13, 2005
I recieved my new Kreitler rollers today. I purchased the Dyno-Myte with 2.25 diameter rollers. Set up is a snap. All that is needed is a 5/8" box wrench. I still need to fudge them to get the rails square when the rear rollers are tightened (about a 1/4' out). Just need another hand to help. Over all the quality is solid.

I lined them up in a suitable doorway clipped in and away I went. I went this way and I went that way. Just picture a drunken Sailor and that was me on the bike. What an eye opener to the meaning of balance and form. I was able to maintain a steady 16 mph for about 5 minutes at a time while bouncing my elbows off the door jamb here and there. The slightest input on the bars will start you weaving. Lesson learned here, strengthen your core. I'm excited about the prospect of becoming a smoother rider because of them. I also have a Kurt Kinetic fluid trainer but I don't see that getting too much use now that I have been challenged by the rollers. I did buy the optional "Killer Headwind" fan but won't even attempt to put that on until I can hold my line. Bottom line, if I progress the way I think I can than it is money well spent.

good work. Soon you'll be no hands, reading the latest Cycle Sport.

congrats - don't get discouraged, just remember it takes some time to "get it together" on rollers. As you feel more comfortable play around with cadence, and gearing/resistance. After you are pretty solid with those changes add your fan. I've had my dyno-lites for about 10 years now - and they run like new still. Just remember to fold them when not in use and your band/belt will last forever almost.

The other bit is even after you get comfortable, stay near something in case you dump it workign the TV remote, answering the phone, drinking or just loosing your focus for whatever reason. Those extra couple of inches in height can make landing a bit more fun than you were looking for :)

Thanks for the tips. I have been working on getting out of the saddle every 15 minutes to get blood flowing for the boys. That is tricky. I have also been trying to get comfortable riding with one hand so I can get a drink. I will be hooking up the fan in a few weeks. I have been folding the rollers after every use.
another tip with the rollers. best to try n keep your body as supple as possible. the more u tense up the harder it is. people tend to tense up thru the arms/shoulders and it makes u wobble.
you'll get the hang of it in no time. I've finally mastered no hands and can now jump off it and ride away:D best thing i learnt as it comes in handy on those cold mornings u dont wanna leave your doona! I warm up in the garage for 10mins, then jump off the rollers and away i go!;)
stolz said:
another tip with the rollers. best to try n keep your body as supple as possible. the more u tense up the harder it is. people tend to tense up thru the arms/shoulders and it makes u wobble.
you'll get the hang of it in no time. I've finally mastered no hands and can now jump off it and ride away:D best thing i learnt as it comes in handy on those cold mornings u dont wanna leave your doona! I warm up in the garage for 10mins, then jump off the rollers and away i go!;)

How do you shut your garage door? ;)

Don't tell me you bring the clicker with you...