My irrational heart rate monitor fear....!!

frenchyge said:
Is that describing Cyclophobia, or high-intensity interval training? :)
The 2 are inseparable. On the way to the gym, I experience a dread of bicycles and experience mild panic attacks. Once on the bike, I suffer from shortness of breath, rapid breathing, especially with L6 intervals, sweating and nausea in the case of an AWC workout.
On Sundays I'm apart from my loved ones, and sometimes want to die - in particular when racing up a 15% climb.

Other than that I'm very healthy.:D
Your bike shorts will draw more negative comments. The HRM will just add to it.;)
And don't forget:

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia—fear of long words (seriously).

And you can be afraid of people like me - Gerontophobia—fear of old people.

And you can be afraid of bald people - Peladophobia—fear of bald people.

Or if you're really unlucky - Geropeladophobia—fear of old, bald people.

And the daddy of them all - Phobophobia—fear of developing a fear.