Nasty Chain Tangle


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Hey All -
Today I was riding on Sunset Blvd in LA when my chain came off - I thought alright this happens every once in while - so I stop to put it back on. Somehow the part of the chain that feeds over the top of the chain ring wedged itself below the chain stay and I can't pry it back with hand strength. How the hell do I get that sucker unstuck?

Ideas I had so far:
1)Taking off the crank - prob. doable but kind of annoying
2) Isn't there one link on the chain that comes undone? -only problem is that part of the chain may be the part subducted underneath the chain stay.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Yank your crank, easiest option. Chain may have a powerlink, but probably not. Look at each link and if so you'll notice one rather different looking which enables you to slide to 2 ends together to release.
I found someone on the bike path with the same problem. a Giant Perigee with the chain firmly stuck behind the inner chainring. He wheeled it to my home where I used my Crank Extractor to pop the chainwheel. A quick adjustment of the low derailleur screw and remove a small amount of cable slack cured the problem. If he had had it serviced it would not have happened.
I noticed that where the chain was subducted it left a pretty bad gash in the chain stay tube - is there anything I can do about that?
