Recomms for cheap and nasty bike?


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
Well, preferably not nasty.

I've got a half decent bike which I spend the time and money on to maintain myself, yet for many a perfectly valid (and economical) option seems to be to buy a 'cheapest of the cheap' bike, run it into the ground and then buy another (recycling the old bike somehow, of course).

I've been asked to find such a cheap bike, for my Dad, does anyone have any specific recommendations? I'm thinking in the £70 - £100 category. Obviously there's Halfords, who have an Apollo coming in at £100 - but I feel like there might be better to be had?
JackGuest-com said:
Well, preferably not nasty.

I've got a half decent bike which I spend the time and money on to maintain myself, yet for many a perfectly valid (and economical) option seems to be to buy a 'cheapest of the cheap' bike, run it into the ground and then buy another (recycling the old bike somehow, of course).

I've been asked to find such a cheap bike, for my Dad, does anyone have any specific recommendations? I'm thinking in the £70 - £100 category. Obviously there's Halfords, who have an Apollo coming in at £100 - but I feel like there might be better to be had?
find an old (an I mean OLD) good bike... you know, like a 1980s Cannondale or Bianchi... even a Schwinn! Old bikes can be fun, CHEAP, and 1/2way decent. Just my $.02
Shop the thrift stores. They're not guaranteed to have a bike but when they do they're cheap.