NEW POLL: Whose sick of the political arguments and general animosity?

el guapo

New Member
Oct 23, 2004
Argue about which POLITICIAN is better* somewhere else por favor mi amigos.

*This is to assume that one politician in any way, shape or form could posess significantly higher levels of integrity than another.


The Infamous El Guapo
el guapo said:
Argue about which POLITICIAN is better* somewhere else por favor mi amigos.

*This is to assume that one politician in any way, shape or form could posess significantly higher levels of integrity than another.


The Infamous El Guapo
I'm sick of polls!
If you don't like them, don't read them amigo.

el guapo said:
Argue about which POLITICIAN is better* somewhere else por favor mi amigos.

*This is to assume that one politician in any way, shape or form could posess significantly higher levels of integrity than another.


The Infamous El Guapo
el guapo said:
Argue about which POLITICIAN is better* somewhere else por favor mi amigos.

*This is to assume that one politician in any way, shape or form could posess significantly higher levels of integrity than another.


The Infamous El Guapo
EL GUAPO, I apologize for posting the "BUSH yes or no" thread in the cafe` I should of posted it in the soap box.
don't worry about it Velo, I would just prefer to see the general hate and discontent between the political spectrums toned down a little on a cycling forum. It is bad enough everywhere else. It's not like any of this is going to convince you to vote for Bush or the guy that knows test to vote for Kerry. So what's the point in arguing other than to belittle and insult the other side?
But like my (assuming) fellow military member testy says, "if you don't like em' then don't read em".
Whatever, have fun storming the castle guys.
I'm beyond sick of it. I've abandoned a few forums because they've gone almost completely political, with the bad blood from the political threads bleeding out into the rest of the posts. If I wanted to see political backwash all over a forum, I'd join a political forum (and I happen to belong to a pretty good one) but I don't think it's the best thing to have politics on every forum on the net.

It seems to be the goal of political parties these days to demonize their opponents (then again, maybe it's always been that way) and things have become so polarized that I think there is genuine hate because of it. Add to this the anonymity of the internet and the tendency on a forum to speak "what's on your mind", you get a lot of pretty rude, hateful talk that people just can't turn off when the click the next link.

It's a bad scene.
I can understand keeping the political discussions out of the bike cafe, equipment and similar threads. They really just belong in Your Bloody Soap Box.

But if those still bother you - why are you reading them?

el guapo said:
Argue about which POLITICIAN is better* somewhere else por favor mi amigos.

*This is to assume that one politician in any way, shape or form could posess significantly higher levels of integrity than another.


The Infamous El Guapo
cydewaze said:
If I wanted to see political backwash all over a forum, I'd join a political forum (and I happen to belong to a pretty good one)
Care to let some of us know which forum you belong to? I have been trying to find a good political site with not much success. You can send me a PM if you don't want to broadcast it.

The Soapbox has always been a pile of shite, but lately its descended into the murky depths even further. I'm even embarrassed to post there. Guilt by association.
I'm sick of the animosity. Stop making fun of me! Bunnies are for cuddling, not for eating! :mad:
babybunny said:
I'm sick of the animosity. Stop making fun of me! Bunnies are for cuddling, not for eating! :mad:

Tell that to Hugh Hefner!He allowed for both.
copwatch said:
I can understand keeping the political discussions out of the bike cafe, equipment and similar threads. They really just belong in Your Bloody Soap Box.

But if those still bother you - why are you reading them?

I'm not reading the ones in soap box derby! The political **** is in practically every thread now. That is what I am whining about!
el guapo said:
don't worry about it Velo, I would just prefer to see the general hate and discontent between the political spectrums toned down a little on a cycling forum. It is bad enough everywhere else. It's not like any of this is going to convince you to vote for Bush or the guy that knows test to vote for Kerry. So what's the point in arguing other than to belittle and insult the other side?
But like my (assuming) fellow military member testy says, "if you don't like em' then don't read em".
Whatever, have fun storming the castle guys.
There's a difference between civilized political debate and "general hate and discontent". Unless people are calling people names, or swearing, or being childish, what's the problem? People like to talk about politics - it helps them figure out where they stand on all the issues. Besides, you're too new to be complaining about stuff like that.
Most of the political debates are in the Soapbox Category : so just avoid the Soapbox.

And make sure that if you do reply to any mails in their that Soapbox
category that you tick the "no email notification" - if you do want to have your
mail box full of reply notifications.
limerickman said:
Most of the political debates are in the Soapbox Category : so just avoid the Soapbox.

And make sure that if you do reply to any mails in their that Soapbox
category that you tick the "no email notification" - if you do want to have your
mail box full of reply notifications.
What's the soapbox category?
limerickman said:
Forum Category : Your Bloody Soapbox (click on Cyclingforums and scoll downwards).
Sometimes I feel like a real idiot. I promise I'm not this dumb in person.
Saucy said:
Care to let some of us know which forum you belong to? I have been trying to find a good political site with not much success. You can send me a PM if you don't want to broadcast it.

I'd love to send you a PM, but you seem to have PMs disabled. :p
cydewaze said:
I'd love to send you a PM, but you seem to have PMs disabled. :p
Oops sorry. I just opened it up. Could you try again? Thanks!

Its pretty difficult to find a site where people are interested in discussing issues rather than flaming each other. I've checked out political sites where I expected there to be some reasonably intelligent folks and its always the same old flaming nonsense.

Its ridiculous trying to convert the "other side" to one's own POV, which is the online equivalent of banging one's head against the wall. The Kerry vs. Bush debate is a waste of time. Everyone's picked their horse already.

I prefer to discuss politics in a more general way and to discuss books/authors I have read and general political theories. I find I find this creates a more interesting discussion.
There's a difference between civilized political debate and "general hate and discontent". Unless people are calling people names, or swearing, or being childish, what's the problem? People like to talk about politics - it helps them figure out where they stand on all the issues. Besides, you're too new to be complaining about stuff like that.

Your right, you've got in me in cyclingforum seniority by a whole 4 months. In the future I shall respect my posting elders! Oh ****, I was just displaying the same animosity I had previously complained about.