Newbie needs some help!


New Member
Aug 19, 2004
Hey guys! Hoping someone has some advice...recently bought a road bike and am just venturing into the sport. The fit of the bike is VERY different than I'm used to--as in, I can't put my feet on the ground when I'm on the seat. As I understand it, that means the bike has indeed been fitted properly, but I'm having some difficulty getting used to it, and a VERY hard time with the dismount--both getting off the bike for good, and when stopping for brief periods of time like at a stoplight.

Anyone have any hints as to how to dismount and mount during those quick stops? Thanks!
Just put one foot on the ground. Move your body forward as you're coming to the stop so that it's over the top tube, and put one of your feet down. If you're afraid of getting banged in the crotch, land on your tiptoe(s) and/or tip your bike a little to the leg on which you're landing on. With one leg still on the pedals, you are a little bit faster getting started/moving then with both feet on the ground.
Yeah- its tricky. Put your right foot at the six o'clock position and let all your weight rest on it. Then take the left off the pedal as you coast to a stop, and let it ride slightly above the ground. Move forward off the seat, and when the bike stops, transfer all the weight to the left, and swing the right (if your done for the day) over the seat from the rear. Hope that helps...I am teaching my wife how to do this properly (I raised her seat to the right height- she is ready for the real deal I think- first bike ever at 30) and she has a nice scar from getting take it slow and easy at first.