No Tour for Astana

But that is the standard they use, if there is any doubt they don't accept the lab test results. That means, a lot of riders are doping, but not getting caught. Astana and Bruyneel are doping, Astana got caught, Bruyneel hasn't yet. The EPO standard is 50% hematocrit, so riders still take EPO, but not too much so they don't exceed the 50%. Just because they don't test positive, does not mean the riders are not doping. It only means they are not being caught.

tambourlain said:
No, most doping charges don't involve criminal charges. What I'm saying is that the cycling federations, the race organizers, WADA, and the UCI all have an official definition of doping. Under that definition Bruyneel's team has no positives. So are the race organizers going to conform to their own standards and do things in a professional manner, or are they going to make decisions based upon rumor, innuendo and hearsay.
tambourlain said:
And every cyclist in the world will know that the races are meaningless, since three of the five best, including the very best, will not be there. This year, if you want to call yourself the best, you will have to go to the Vuelta and win it. So if you think that's a great Giro or a great TdF, then it makes sense that you also think that a banana is an object of pleasure. This years Tour will be contested by three wheel suckers - Menchov, Evans and Valverde. And it will be won by a well doped up Menchov.
Levi didn't dope when he joned Disco. He just improved his 50km time trial time from 2006 by 5 mins, through learning the Carmichael-USPS-Disco secrets of high cadence.
tambourlain said:
And every cyclist in the world will know that the races are meaningless, since three of the five best, including the very best, will not be there. This year, if you want to call yourself the best, you will have to go to the Vuelta and win it. So if you think that's a great Giro or a great TdF, then it makes sense that you also think that a banana is an object of pleasure. This years Tour will be contested by three wheel suckers - Menchov, Evans and Valverde. And it will be won by a well doped up Menchov.
Whatever you say..they'll still be sucking on a banana.... boo hoo.... :(

It disheartens me that you are in such grief at your favorite team's exclusion. Now I am going to be very, very upset that tambourlain is unhappy.
tambourlain said:
No, most doping charges don't involve criminal charges. What I'm saying is that the cycling federations, the race organizers, WADA, and the UCI all have an official definition of doping. Under that definition Bruyneel's team has no positives. So are the race organizers going to conform to their own standards and do things in a professional manner, or are they going to make decisions based upon rumor, innuendo and hearsay.
they know who is doping you muppet.

They know who is flying, ask Mcgee, the riders know who is doing what, it is evident on the road.

You assume that teams that avail themselves of sophisticated methods to beat the tests, should be given carte blanche to dope because of said "definition".

If anything from Balco, to OP has told you, if you wish for a dope free sport, you cannot rely only on direct analysis testing parameters. You need the policing authorites, non-analytical tests and so on, to butress the enforcement.
Crankyfeet said:
He just improved his 50km time trial time from 2005 by 5 mins
Check the results of the 2005 Dauphine Libre 46.6 Km ITT idiot.

Check the results of the 2006 Dauphine Libre 43 Km ITT.

Those were with Gerolsteiner by the way. The idea that Levi couldn't ITT until he suddenly put in a dope induced performance in the 2007 Tour is just another piece of idiotic garbage that passes for knowledge on this forum of fools. Levi's riding has mostly become stronger by a little bit each year, year after year. The only elements of his performance that have been erratic are when he's been sick or bonked. His performances are probably more consistent and less erratic than anyone in the peleton.
tambourlain said:
Check the results of the 2005 Dauphine Libre 46.6 Km ITT idiot.

Check the results of the 2006 Dauphine Libre 43 Km ITT.

Those were with Gerolsteiner by the way. The idea that Levi couldn't ITT until he suddenly put in a dope induced performance in the 2007 Tour is just another piece of idiotic garbage that passes for knowledge on this forum of fools. Levi's riding has mostly become stronger by a little bit each year, year after year. The only elements of his performance that have been erratic are when he's been sick or bonked. His performances are probably more consistent and less erratic than anyone in the peleton.
ask his wife! he was blood doping back in 2002 with Rabobank. She told a friend of mine.
thunder said:
You need the policing authorites, non-analytical tests and so on, to butress the enforcement.
So you don't go in for objective standards. You would probably lock up people who don't have jobs or who look like criminals.
tambourlain said:
So you don't go in for objective standards. You would probably lock up people who don't have jobs or who look like criminals.
we are not look at denying human rights. All we are looking at is having a clean sport.

There is no human right which says you are entitled to ide the Tour. Otherwise I would, besides the fact I am 20 kgs overweight.

You could argue the human right to compete undoped in a sport that is clean, and not have to miss out on rewards competing clean in a doped sport. Ask Mcgee and Moncoutie if they would appreciate getting on the podium in the Tour? And the rewards.

No, no, no, you are saying there is but one right, and one right only, afforded to dopers exclusively.

**** YOU!
tambourlain said:
Check the results of the 2005 Dauphine Libre 46.6 Km ITT idiot.

Check the results of the 2006 Dauphine Libre 43 Km ITT.

Those were with Gerolsteiner by the way. The idea that Levi couldn't ITT until he suddenly put in a dope induced performance in the 2007 Tour is just another piece of idiotic garbage that passes for knowledge on this forum of fools. Levi's riding has mostly become stronger by a little bit each year, year after year. The only elements of his performance that have been erratic are when he's been sick or bonked. His performances are probably more consistent and less erratic than anyone in the peleton.
Look at the average speeds in his Dauphine Libre performances. And what has Gerolsteiner got to do with it? That just reinforces the argument that something changed when he moved to Disco. Oh that's right.. high cadence...:rolleyes: .

And BTW - I looked up the Cyclist's Dictionary definition of an idiot. It says it is someone that thinks everytime someone dopes and they are tested... they will test positive. So if you don't test positive... you must be clean.

Geez those cyclists are dumb. Fancy using dope when you are going to test positive every time you do. They are such idiots aren't they tambourlamebrain....
Crankyfeet said:
Look at the average speeds in his Dauphine Libre performances. And what has Gerolsteiner got to do with it? That just reinforces the argument that something changed when he moved to Disco. Oh that's right.. high cadence...:rolleyes: .

And BTW - I looked up the Cyclist's Dictionary definition of an idiot. It says it is someone that thinks everytime someone dopes and they are tested... they will test positive. So if you don't test positive... you must be clean.

Geez those cyclists are dumb. Fancy using dope when you are going to test positive every time you do. They are such idiots aren't they tambourlamebrain....

but actually crack, that was the line touted by Ferrari. If it does not show up, it is not doping.
thunder said:
There is no human right which says you are entitled to ide the Tour.
**** YOU!
I would say that there is a human right to persue your profession in any arena where you are the most qualified. So while cycling may be a sport, to the riders it is a profession. When a rider and his team are clearly more qualified than other riders and teams, and when there is no objective standard of guilt that those riders have failed, then you are abusing their human rights by not letting them ride.

Ditto to you.
tambourlain said:
I would say that there is a human right to persue your profession in any arena where you are the most qualified. So while cycling may be a sport, to the riders it is a profession. When a rider and his team are clearly more qualified than other riders and teams, and when there is no objective standard of guilt that those riders have failed, then you are abusing their human rights by not letting them ride.

Ditto to you.
280 million Americans are better qualified than GW Bush.

That is a whole lotta human rights abuses in the good ol U S o' A
Crankyfeet said:
And what has Gerolsteiner got to do with it? That just reinforces the argument that something changed when he moved to Disco. Oh that's right.. high cadence...:rolleyes: .
No, you are the moron that suggested that going to Disco and using a high cadence is the explanation of those that support Levi. I have just shown you that we have no need for your idiotic straw men. Levi has always been a good Time Trialist. And there was nothing unusual about his 2007 Tour ITT. It was a slight improvement that was consistent with the improvement that he has always had.
the reason ASO gave for eliminating Astana is bogus, but the real reason makes all kinds of sense (i would have made the same decision)... bascially they can't let Contador ride. if he rides, he will probably win.. with OP is being reopened and the winner of the tour this year cannot be in the midst of being dragged through a drug investigation when the tour is on... even if in the end he gets off... too much bad press. with Contador in the tour there is just too much of a probability of the winner of the tour being tainted by drugs... AGAIN! for ASO this cannot and will not happen... i think they are smart for eliminating Astana (i.e. Contador)... he can't ride.. he can't win.. it's as simple as that... let OP run it's course an if he manages to beat the rap he can ride next year, he's young.
tambourlain said:
No, you are the moron that suggested that going to Disco and using a high cadence is the explanation of those that support Levi. I have just shown you that we have no need for your idiotic straw men. Levi has always been a good Time Trialist. And there was nothing unusual about his 2007 Tour ITT. It was a slight improvement that was consistent with the improvement that he has always had.
mate, it was the recovery dope, and blood transfusions in the rest days.

He said he was peaking for the third week cos he knew he was gonna get the dope then.

It was like Armstrongs justification, cadence, weight loss (3 kgs max), dedication, weighing food, etc etc etc.

All BS.

Ferrari and Disco dope. They were the reasons.
doctorSpoc said:
with OP is being reopened
OP is being reopened to determine if they can get Fuentes based upon medical malpractise or the mishandling of blood. This reopening has nothing to do with the atheletes.
tambourlain said:
OP is being reopened to determine if they can get Fuentes based upon medical malpractise or the mishandling of blood. This reopening has nothing to do with the atheletes.
yeah, lets give the athletes a pass.
tambourlain said:
No, you are the moron that suggested that going to Disco and using a high cadence is the explanation of those that support Levi. I have just shown you that we have no need for your idiotic straw men. Levi has always been a good Time Trialist. And there was nothing unusual about his 2007 Tour ITT. It was a slight improvement that was consistent with the improvement that he has always had.
What was his average speed in the flat 2005 Dauphine TT Figowitz? Around 46km/hr from memory. Hardly an earth-shattering performance. 2006 DL - average speed 47.7 km/hr. Probably explains why he was so **** in the 2006 TdF ITT's. All the other riders were building for the big race in France and he was going flat-out for a DL stage win.