On-line training?


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
Hi there,

I am thinking about looking into an on-line trainer. I am not a 'racer', but I do enjoy 'training'. Having been a runner (an injured one now) I had some idea about training.... when to cut back, when to go faster, what to do for intervals when working on specific weaknesses, but I find it difficult, even having read books on cycling training (and I have several), to do the same on the bike. I also live where it gets pretty cold in the winter, and, while I do get outside on the bike, I find it difficult to sustain interest in riding on an indoor trainer (though I do!). I was thinking perhaps that an imposed structure, along with accountability, would give me some focus.

I think I may be one of those folks who goes a similar speed on all their rides, regardless of duration, and hates to take time off! Having said all this, any in-put into whether an on-line trainer would benefit someone like me?

