One Less F***ing Revhead

cogcontrol wrote:
> Spoken 4 Wrote:
>>cogcontrol wrote:
>>>I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
>>>overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad

>>Utter ********. You obviously know nothing about the man.
>>He was always on about safety and courtesy on the roads. If we have
>>to have
>>drivers on the road it would be better if we had more like him.I probably know as much about the man as you do, but in my mind there IS

> NO EXCUSE for shutting public roads for revheads to show off their cars
> and 'skills' if they restricted their activities to the race I dont
> have any problems at all.
> If Peter Brock was that serious about safety and courtesy on the road
> he would not have raced on public roads, setting the example of every
> revhead to follow.
> CC

parawolf wrote:
> cogcontrol Wrote:
>>I probably know as much about the man as you do, but in my mind there IS
>>NO EXCUSE for shutting public roads for revheads to show off their cars
>>and 'skills' if they restricted their activities to the race I dont
>>have any problems at all.
>>If Peter Brock was that serious about safety and courtesy on the road
>>he would not have raced on public roads, setting the example of every
>>revhead to follow.

> Do you have problems with public roads being closed for triathelons? or
> Criteriums? or Road Races?

Don't bother with him Para. Brock was a class act. Even his ex said
she missed him and had no bad feelings for him. Hell I have bad
feelings for CC what must the people who know him feel?

Funny how they come out of the woodwork tho.

Sasha said:
"cogcontrol" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
> I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
> overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
> example.
> CC
> --
> cogcontrol

You are a very, very stupid person.

read this one tool, Cog-with no self-Control

If only your ignorance could be harnessed to generate electricity...
cogcontrol wrote:
> stevebaby Wrote:
> > So..public roads should be closed to bike races too?
> > Yes or no?I am not a bike racer so am ambivalent about public roads being shut for

> bike races and is not relevant to my point that racing on a public road
> makes a total mockery of all the anti speeding campaigns. It makes as
> much sense as shutting a public road for drink driving.
> These two factors being the biggest contributing factors to fatal
> accidents on our roads.
> The biggest consequence of shutting roads for bike races or triathlons
> is a few inconvienced car drivers.

Fair point, gotta agree.

The sad thing about Brock is he was a petrol head who wasn't stuck in
the dark side. As for some others, I might go along with your original
point if it was them who crashed out. Maybe you weren't aware that
Brock had a bright side.

He raced on public roads in sanctioned events doofus. How about that Steve
Erwin character - him dying had no effect on me.

So..when we race bicycles, and shut off public roads, I asume there is no
excuse for that either????

"cogcontrol" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
> Spoken 4 Wrote:
>> cogcontrol wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
>> > overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
>> > example.
>> >
>> > CC
>> >
>> >

>> Utter ********. You obviously know nothing about the man.
>> He was always on about safety and courtesy on the roads. If we have
>> to have
>> drivers on the road it would be better if we had more like him.I probably
>> know as much about the man as you do, but in my mind there IS

> NO EXCUSE for shutting public roads for revheads to show off their cars
> and 'skills' if they restricted their activities to the race I dont
> have any problems at all.
> If Peter Brock was that serious about safety and courtesy on the road
> he would not have raced on public roads, setting the example of every
> revhead to follow.
> CC
> --
> cogcontrol
No need to trash Cogcontrol completely. Its a forum isnt it, not a place for
being overly respectful to our great sporting or entertainment icons who get
killed doing something for thrills, or pushing the limits, sad as it is for
their families, and fine a bloke as Peter Brock probably was in his general
life, and a promoter of better driving (ironic to the extreme). There are
certainly a lot of issues here, as with Steve Irwin's death. People will
divide on this. See Clive Hamilton in yesterdays
SMH- "if we are honest the vitriolic attacks on Irwin's critics are rooted
in guilt. We were all excited by the prospect that the beast would get him,
just as we watch car races anticipating a crash."

fb in sydknee

"Sasha" <sashan(nospam)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "cogcontrol" <[email protected]> wrote in
> message news:[email protected]...
>> I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
>> overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
>> example.
>> CC
>> --
>> cogcontrol

> You are a very, very stupid person.

Fractal wrote:
> No need to trash Cogcontrol completely. Its a forum isnt it,

It's a *public* forum. Whoever CC is, he/she has displayed a startling
lack of knowledge about Brock. Brock, while a "petrol head" (as if
there's something evil about racing cars? and that is?), was not a hoon
driver, and was a campaigner (a GOOD example!) on many road safety
issues. He was a bit of a nutter and not much of a critical thinker
(magic crystals, energy polarisers ...) but he was one of the good

> not a place for
> being overly respectful to our great sporting or entertainment icons who get
> killed doing something for thrills, or pushing the limits, sad as it is for
> their families, and fine a bloke as Peter Brock probably was in his general
> life, and a promoter of better driving (ironic to the extreme). There are
> certainly a lot of issues here, as with Steve Irwin's death. People will
> divide on this. See Clive Hamilton in yesterdays
> SMH- "if we are honest the vitriolic attacks on Irwin's critics are rooted
> in guilt. We were all excited by the prospect that the beast would get him,
> just as we watch car races anticipating a crash."

********. As a former car racer (and a bike racer now) I don't watch
races for the thrill of the crash, I hate seeing crashes. I used to
pit crew at chunderdrone, and I got out of it *specifically* because of
the crashes. I admire a good, skilled driver and race tactics are
quite interesting. Just because some journo likes watching crashes
doesn't mean everyone else does.

I'm off to race my bike now, and I hope there's no crashes. As someone
who sometimes gets the 'pleasure' of dealing with the aftermath of same
(my 1st aid kit is well stocked ...) I can state with confidence that
Clive Hamilton's "we" does not include "me", so he can shove it!
Game set and Match. CoggControl is an idiot.

Here's a satement about Brocky on the CYCLING AUSTRALIA website
Statement regarding the passing of motorsport legend, Peter Brock

The board and members of Cycling Australia were shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Australian motor racing legend, Peter Brock. Peter was one of the AOC athlete liaison officers at the 2004 Athens Olympics and he attended every cycling event enthusiastically working to motivate, encourage and support our cyclists in their pursuit of Olympic glory. He was also a vocal supporter of cycling as a mode of transport welcoming cyclists as fellow road users.

Peter will be sadly missed and our thoughts and wishes are with his family and friends.

Bloody Revheads! *shakes head in disbelief*

And on another note, 1 month till glenvale!!! woooohooo
cogcontrol wrote:
> I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
> overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
> example.
> CC

And when you pop your clogs the chorus will be, one less Fscking bigot
setting a bad example.

That you can find anything positive in the death of someone dying doing
what they love; especially when that person has done so much good for
the community at large, safe driving and cyclists; speaks volumes about you.
cogcontrol said:
The biggest consequence of shutting roads for bike races or triathlons is a few inconvienced car drivers.

Car drivers are a majority on the roads and without motorists there would not be many roads.Bike races don't inconvenience a few car drivers...they inconvenience a
lot of car drivers.Fortunately most of them tolerate the inconvenience.
All cyclists are either motorists themselves or depend in some way on motorists.
"Euan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> cogcontrol wrote:
>> I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
>> overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
>> example. CC

> And when you pop your clogs the chorus will be, one less Fscking bigot
> setting a bad example.
> That you can find anything positive in the death of someone dying doing
> what they love; especially when that person has done so much good for the
> community at large, safe driving and cyclists; speaks volumes about you.
> --
> Cheers
> Euan

Sad fate for a sporting legend, even if some like me think motor racing and
the associated car culture promoted around it *is* an evil, promoted by the
big companies for commercial gain at the expense of society and the
environment, but then most activities are these days. Dying doing something
you love is a nice rationalisation but no one should die like that. Glad to
see he supported cycling on roads but maybe giving up racing would have been
a stronger message, and now we have lost him. Who knows why he kept at it.
Maybe there will be something positive out of all this if other less
enlightened revheads dont push it quite so much for a while.

Fractal <[email protected]> wrote:
> No need to trash Cogcontrol completely. Its a forum isnt it, not a place for
> being overly respectful to our great sporting or entertainment icons who get

This is nothing about being overly respectful. This is about not
aligning with ratbag element who finds something positive about the
death of a *supporter* of our cause. Just because he raced cars? Who
better to influence his fellow petrol heads about our right to use the

Whilst I personally don't think a celebrity death should be mourned
any more than the death of any other decent citizen, CC's post was poor
form, and I'm glad to see the majority of this group seem to agree.

cogcontrol wrote:
> I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
> overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
> example.
> CC

A particularly insensitive thing to say about a bloke who worked very
hard for a variety of charitable foundations and safety on the road for
all road users.

The fact remains Peter Brock was racing in a CAMS endorsed and
supervised race in an essentially unmodified car (no roll cage) but bulk
power. He was racing on a notoriously dangerous piece of Perth hills
tarmac, in a time trial event, with stewards, emergency procedures etc
etc, about as safe as these events can get.

I have ridden the circuit a few times on my motorbike, a lovely stretch
of road, but some difficult corners and the ever present danger of
laterite (pea) gravel on the racing line.

I rode my road bicycle from Mount Lawley to Gidgegannup, and then rode
the Reserve Rd, Clenton, Rd, O'Brien Rd circuit last Saturday. A few of
the corners have remnant pieces of motorbike parts scattered on the
gravel shoulder. Amongst certain cycling groups in Perth the circuit is
known as Death Valley, an epithet that is unlikely to change as the site
_will_ become a shrine to an icon of Australian motorsport.

CC you are a pissweak ********, pure and simple.
In aus.bicycle on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 02:58:00 GMT
Fractal <[email protected]> wrote:
> a stronger message, and now we have lost him. Who knows why he kept at it.

Why he kept at it?

I'd've thought it was bleeding obvious: he kept at it because he liked

Why does someone race in veteran cycle races? Because they want to,
because despite the pain it's still fun. Why does someone play rugby
or do marathons?

I have to assume car racing is as much fun as motorcycle racing, and
that's *serious* fun.

There's really nothing I can add to what others have already said here other
than to add my voice to those who'll be sorry to see Brocky gone and suggest
that the OP is a thoughtless troll.

> I should sympathise and I guess I do a little but sorry, my
> overwhelming reaction is - One Less F***ing Revhead setting a bad
> example.

Bloody troll.
"Zebee Johnstone" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In aus.bicycle on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 02:58:00 GMT
> Fractal <[email protected]> wrote:
>> a stronger message, and now we have lost him. Who knows why he kept at
>> it.

> Why he kept at it?
> I'd've thought it was bleeding obvious: he kept at it because he liked
> it!


Or maybe he thought he was invincible, Mr Perfect as they called him. Geez,
at 61 his reactions must have slowed a bit. Or maybe it wouldnt have helped,
lost traction on bend, whack.

> Why does someone race in veteran cycle races? Because they want to,
> because despite the pain it's still fun. Why does someone play rugby
> or do marathons?

Not quite so dangerous!?? Veteran cycling and marathons I can understand,
rugby never!
> I have to assume car racing is as much fun as motorcycle racing, and
> that's *serious* fun.

Oh well if fun is all there is to it, anything goes.

> Zebee