One reason to support Obama

Lim, on your Edwards comment, I always believed he was the best shot for a Democrat win.
I am sorry but I don't think we have progressed enough to elect either a female or a non-white president,as yet.
This is an opinion not a stance so I wait to be proven wrong.
No matter what your political leanings are, I think it is silly to vote for anyone on the basis of one issue. There will probably never be a candidate that I agree with on every single issue (no, I'm not starting my own campaign). Then again, I think most all politicians are completely full of #$% anyway. If you want to experiment to see for yourself, write up 2 emails, one on each far side of an issue. Email your representative from 2 different email addresses, and see the responses you get. It's amazing the emails you get back. Anyway, I will vote, but to me it's definitely voting for what I feel is the lesser of 2 evils. Thanks for reading my 2 cents.
jhuskey said:
If you vote for them it only encourages them.
Yojimbo_ said:
Did Obama actually say something? Aren't his speeches full of platitudes absent of even the normal gamut of vacuous promises politicians roll out in election years?

I am not an American, but if I was, Obama would be the last person I vote for.
i could see he's a good man. besides, every politician gives promises.
I think Obama is a very nice fellow. I just get nervous when he mentions things like bombing Pakistan. Last I heard they were sort of on our side.Oh well.
They all suck, its just determining which one sucks the least. Anyone, with the exception of Rotton Rudy is better than Dubbya, McCain isnt the answer though. I don't trust Hilary so, although my first choice is Dennis, second is John-Edwards that is, I've got to go Obammy.
Posted in 2008. I wonder what he thinks now of Obama. The smoke screen has passed
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JSWin said:
Posted in 2008. I wonder what he thinks now of Obama. The smoke screen has passed
Although Obama didn't do what he said he would, the economy is in a much better place than when he took office and he has made some progress on social issues. I am not exactly the biggest Obama cheerleader, but these current candidates scare the living **** out of me. When Donald Trump is leading in the GOP polls and even FOX fears him becoming president, you know were in for trouble. On the Democratic side, Hilary Clinton sways wherever the wind blows and I think she's very untrustworthy(even for a politician). The only candidate I'd be okay with winning is Bernie Sanders, but the media is already trying to place Hilary on the democratic mantle. Compared to most of these guys, Obama is leaps and bounds above them. This is one election I'm not looking forward to.