Race #2, 5 days how to spend them?


New Member
May 19, 2004
My second race, and what I would likely consider to be the biggest mass start race I am likely to attend, it's our annual "state games'.

20 miles, (10 out, 10 back) of the race, there is a pretty hairy 7.5 mile down hill that turns into a 7.5 mile uphill on the way back.

The race is Saturday (7-17-2004) at 8am.

Here's my training information:

7/04/04 Sunday: Day off
7/05/04 Monday: Day off
7/06/04 Tuesday: 16.5 miles, 143 average HR.
7/07/04 Wednesday: 33.5 miles, 144 average HR.
7/08/04 Thursday: 23.7 miles, 141 average HR.
7/09/04 Friday: Day off (WHOOHOO) :)
7/10/04 Saturday: 23.1 miles, 151 average HR
7/11/04 Sunday: 22.3 miles, 150 average HR
7/12/04 Monday: 31.3 miles, 142 average HR (did hills, lots of wind (25mph), a freaky day)
7/13/04 Tuesday: n/a
7/14/04 Wednesday: n/a
7/15/04 Thursday: n/a
7/16/04 Friday: n/a
7/17/04 Saturday: RACE DAY

I'm thinking of training Tuesday and Wednesday (30+ miles each day) and taking Thursday and Friday off in rest for race day. Maybe hit the weight room (upper body only) on Thursday.

I'm slightly worried about the hills. That's a fair amount of climbing for me (7.5 miles). I ordered a 12-25 and a 12-27 cassette I'm gonna test both in the next few days (bike came with 10 speed 11-23). Looks like I suffer at about 80 cadence at 10.6mph on the hills I have here suffering at 155-160HR. I'd like to go to about 90 cadence and the same speed, which I think the 39-25 setup will give me. Hopefully drop the pulse to 150 is the plan.

Many thanks for your thoughts on the training days and the hills.
Well, without any advice, here's what I did :cool:

7/13/04 Tuesday: 22.5 miles, concentrated on hills. 141HR average

Felt the burn.

Tried working some of the smaller rolling hills so that I didn't have to climb out in 39-23, BONZAI down, tried to carry as much speed as possible and climb out in a higher gear like 39-17, instead of conserving some energy on the downhill (coasting) and then slogging to the top. I think I'm liking that bonzai method more.
maybe a bit late to do serious hill training at this stage though working on your technique and changing down before the hill and keeping your cadence up will help. Personally i would take it easy over the next few days and then do a short sharp session the day before just to get the pistons cleaned out but not fatigued (sprints maybe). Any ful on training at this stage will only impede you performance on the weekend, not help, so dont feel like you have to do more.
Just a note on race tactics, though i dont know a lot about you or the course, but its not too far (20 miles is about 30k's i guess) so maybe just pound out the race until you reach the foot of the hill and if this is your weakness, then you will have a headstart on those behind you (hopefully!). Staying with the group the whole way, not pushing yourself and then trying to win when hills are your weakness is playing into the hands of those that can climb.Go out early and make them suffer!
byron27 said:
maybe a bit late to do serious hill training at this stage though working on your technique and changing down before the hill and keeping your cadence up will help. Personally i would take it easy over the next few days and then do a short sharp session the day before just to get the pistons cleaned out but not fatigued (sprints maybe). Any ful on training at this stage will only impede you performance on the weekend, not help, so dont feel like you have to do more.
Just a note on race tactics, though i dont know a lot about you or the course, but its not too far (20 miles is about 30k's i guess) so maybe just pound out the race until you reach the foot of the hill and if this is your weakness, then you will have a headstart on those behind you (hopefully!). Staying with the group the whole way, not pushing yourself and then trying to win when hills are your weakness is playing into the hands of those that can climb.Go out early and make them suffer!

Thanks for the reply. :)

I went out and measured what we have for climbs today with GPS one of the hardest ones (for me anyway) is about 260 feet of rise over a mile in distance. Not sure what that grade is.

Climbing is my weak point, but tactics and thought are my strong point. I got in the mail today a 12-25 and also a 12-27 cassette in 10 speed, to test against the 11-23 on the bike tomorrow. I've got spread sheets on gearing and mph and cadence I made to help me sort it all out. I'm gonna test them on the hills I was on today and look for time differences and "feel".

I know where I climb and suffer, and hoping to find one of two things. First I'm hoping to lower my pulse at a given mph of climb via increased cadence (7-10 rpm). OR, lower my pulse, dropping the mph a bit and suffering less, with about the same cadence of 75-80 or so. Either way, the goal is to suffer "slightly" less.

I think you're right, I feel that I am likely to just go out and attack as hard as possible to the bottom (it's only 10 miles and 75% of it is downhill and I decend well, and peddle hard), and then see what happens on the climbs. It's the same for everybody, you can't fake fitness. I'm not unfit, I consider myself in very good shape, but LIKELY not the same shape as some of the riders in this category. BUT, I am not planning to win, OR setting myself up for failure by talking like that. I am planning on doing my best, and I know when I've given it. If I give it what I have and don't take dead last, I'll be quite pleased. :) In fact, right in the middle would tickle me pink.
Rode today for maybe the last time this week.

7/14/04 Wednesday: Only went 12.5 miles today.
Sloughed along at 131 average HR to save it for the weekend.

Only did one climb to test the 12-27 on the back instead of the 11-23. Seemed to work, hard to get a good test result, to windy.

I'm gonna eat smart, watch my weight and get a massage tomorrow.
I would take it easy for the rest of the week. Im right there with you, i got a sprint triathlon this saturday on the blue ridge parkway.
Chris, good luck with the Tri'. I'd love to do one, but don't swim well enough.

No riding today, Thrusday.... It's killing me... :(

Did ab' work today instead for about 45 minutes.

Planning to lift and do upper body work on Friday, not record setting, just get the blood moving and muscles working for about 45 minutes to an hour. Leaving the lower body out of the equation till race day.

I want to ride, it just seems wrong to take 2 days off.
Thats what you want!
To be itching to ride, but conserving your energy, so that when you go to the race on saturday you will brimming with energy!
let us know how you go, im very intrigued now...
Got the Altimeter part of my HRM working and tested. Did a quick 2 miles to make sure it worked. Refit the bike to the trainer so I can warm up when I get there. Changed some cassettes on some wheels so I'm ready with 3 different options at the drop of a hat. Loaded the stand and the tools in the vehicle.

Packed my riding gear shoes, helmet, HRM, and some extra gear in case it's rainy or cold.

I checked the weather forecast for there, and it's expected to be about 75-80 at 9am. 10% chance of rain (not likely), and some cloud cover. light winds 5-8mph if at all. Humidty 26%, which I think is good news.

I'm trying to get everything done tonight so I sleep better and more relaxed.

We're leaving town in the morning. I'll catch up with you guys Sunday night.

Thanks for all the help I couldn't do it without the help I get you from you guys. :)
