RANS V3 recumbent frame fractures


New Member
Nov 17, 2007
If you own, or know anyone who owns a 2007 RANS V3 then please inspect the frame for cracks or damage. The images below are two completely different RANS V3 s. One has a weld break at the lower head tube and the other V3 broke the angled cross brace, just below the seat.


The first pic looks like just a bad weld. Contaminated, perhaps, whatever that might mean? The second one looks like the tube was too light or wasn't heat treated properly. See how it starts at the edge of the weld and propagates around the tube? Was this a low-SN frame? RANS has always been good on warranty issues; I just hope for your sake it's not indicative of a design problem. Replacing it once is inconvenient, but replacing it a second time would really suck.